All posts by Mrs Jess

Weekly Information – 9th December 2022

Items for the Office

If you need to hand something into the office, you can place it in the plastic box which is now outside the door. This will save you needing to ring the bell and wait for an answer or join a queue if it is a busy time. If you need to speak to someone, still ring the door and we will help. The box is for those dropping something off. It will be monitored and brought in regularly.


Christmas Dates

The Christmas Lunch will be on 15th December – your child does not need to wear uniform that day, they can come in a Christmas Jumper (or another favourite jumper).

Click here for all other dates – please check you know when your child’s performances and party are.

Thank you to everyone who has been in touch this week to let us know how much their child enjoyed the panto – it was a wonderful day and I am grateful to all the staff for their hard work in making it happen.

Final Panto Arrangements 2022

The whole school is going to the panto on 7th December. The show is Cinderella at the Rothes Hall. The performance is at 10am.

The buses will need to leave as soon as possible after 9am to get us there on time. Please bring your child to school from 8.45 onwards – the doors will be open and the staff will start toileting and registering from 8.45. Your child MUST be here by 9am or they risk missing the trip.

If your child is in P1-7, please send then with a snack for the interval – it should fit in their coat pocket as they won’t be taking a bag. We recommend something filling as we are having a late lunch. We aren’t taking water bottles because we don’t want them to get lost but we will give every child a carton of juice in the interval.

If your child is in nursery, the staff will provide a mid-morning snack as they usually do so you don’t need to send anything. The children will also have a drink there.

Lunch will be a packed lunch as we will be late back.

P1-7 parents – if you have already ordered your child’s choice on iPayImpact, they will get a school packed lunch. If you haven’t, please send them with a packed lunch from home.

Nursery will also have a cold lunch – this has already been ordered for them so parents don’t need to do anything.

With thanks for your support to make the trip run smoothly.

Lucy Jess




Christmas Shows 2022

As previous advertised, the Christmas Shows are taking place at these times:

Tuesday 13th 1.45: P4-7 Christmas Show
Wednesday 14th 1.45: P1-3 Christmas Show

6.00: P4-7 Christmas Show

Thursday 15th 6.00: P1-3 Christmas Show

Your child will bring home a letter today with a tear off slip for ordering tickets and an explanation of how to do this. Every child will bring a letter home but your ticket order and allocation is per family not per child – all families with one or more children in P1-3 will be able to order 2 tickets for the P1-3 show (either performance). All families with one or more children in P4-7 will be able to order 2 tickets for the P4-7 show (either performance). This is explained in the letter. I anticipate the evening performances will be more popular than the afternoon performances. If at all possible, please order 1 ticket for the afternoon and 1 for the evening. This will help every parent in the school get to see the show. There is not capacity in the hall for every family to have two tickets for the same show which is why we are doing two performances.

We are supporting the Wormit Foodbank through our shows this Christmas. All profits will be donated to the food bank and we invite you to bring a food donation with you when you come to see the performance.

All children have a part in their show. I am hopeful that all children will be able to return to school for the 6pm performance but if you have a diary clash and can’t bring your child back to school, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can make sure all parts are covered on the night. Teachers will send home requests for items for costumes – please don’t but anything especially for the show, we can help if needbe.

The 1.45 performances are happening during the school day. If you purchase tickets for that performance please arrive no sooner than 1.35 to begin to take your seats in the hall. We will need to get the hall set up after lunch so won’t be able to open the doors earlier than that. Once the show ends, the children will return to class and be let out by their teacher at 3.05pm as usual.

For the 6pm performance, please bring your child to the front door between 5.30 and 5.40 – they will go up to class to get changed into their costume and you can take your seats in the hall (if you have tickets) or leave them with us if you don’t. After the show, the children will go back up to class. We will ask the audience to wait in the hall for about 10 mins while they get changed and then you can go up to collect your child. If you haven’t stayed to see the show, you should return to school at 7.15 for P4-7 (on the 14th) and 6.45 for P1-3 (on the 15th). As it will be dark, all children will need to be collected from class by an adult. We won’t let anyone walk home on their own.

We are greatly looking forward to having you back in school for Christmas Shows after so long.



Weekly Information – 16th November 2022

Family Learning Pages

It has been lovely to invite so many parents into school this week – I hope those of you who have already had your appointment found it helpful to meet your child’s teacher and see the classroom. We are looking forward to the appointments still to come. I also wanted to remind you about the family learning pages on the school website (click here). These provide lots of ideas for learning from home for Nursery-P7 pupils.


Don’t Forget School and Nursery are closed to pupils on Friday 18th November for an inset day. Our Pupil Support Assistants will be taking part in Child Protection Training, our Early Years Officers are taking part in training relating to Personal Learning Planning and our Teachers are attending a moderation session with colleagues from across the Madras Cluster as well as an input on French from Madras colleagues.


Flu Vaccine Message from NHS

Dear parent/carer,

All children aged 2 to 5 years and Primary and Secondary school children are eligible for a flu vaccine this winter (children must be aged 2 years or above on 1 September 2022 to be eligible). If your child has missed their flu vaccination appointment and you want to rearrange this, please call the number on their invitation letter or call 0800 030 8013.  There is still time for your child to have the flu vaccine this winter. It’s not too late.

The flu vaccine is an easy, painless and safe way to help protect your child this winter. Children aged 2 years and older are usually given the flu vaccine as a quick nasal spray into each nostril. The vaccine offers protection against the most common types of flu virus that are around each winter. Even healthy children can become seriously ill from flu.

For more information visit or call 0800 030 8013.

from PHS Vaccine Confidence, Informed Consent and Equity team

Weekly Information – 11th November 2022


We respected a two minutes silence in school today and we discussed Remembrance in classes and at Assembly.


Don’t Forget…

…Friday 18th is an inservice day and school and Nursery will be closed to pupils.


Message from Active Schools

Madras Rugby are once again offering pupils within our cluster the opportunity to take part in community rugby sessions. Here is the information about the sessions:

Madrascals NEW PLAYERS 2223 (1)


P1-7 Parent-Teacher Meetings

All children will bring home examples of their work today and we ask that you return the jotters on Monday (14th). If you haven’t booked an appointment yet it is too late for a routine appointment in this set of Parent-Teacher appointments but if you have issues you want to discuss for your child you should feel free to contact me at any time or you can contact the school office and ask to speak to your child’s teacher.


There is still plenty of time to pay the £10 contribution towards the cost of the panto – you can make pay via iPayImpact and please contact the office if you need help with this.





Weekly Information – 4th November 2022

P1-7 Parent-Teacher Appointments

Please remember to book your meeting(s) by 3pm on Wednesday of next week. Details of how to do this are here:

Please book your Parents Evening Appointment by 3pm on 9th November 2022 | Wormit Primary School (

All children will bring home examples of their work on Friday 11th and we ask that you return the jotters on Monday 14th. If you have anything particular you’d like to know on Parents Night, you can use the comments box on the booking system to flag this up to the teacher. If you have a significant concern which will need more than 10 mins to discuss, please don’t wait until the meeting – contact Mrs Jess straight away by phone or email.

iPayimpact Pre-Orders


A reminder to please pre-order lunches in advance using iPayimpact. This allows us to ensure we have a lunch order in place in the event that your child has an appointment in the morning or arrives late to school for any reason. Without these pre-orders in place in that instance we may not have the correct numbers prepared.


General Permission / Annual Data Check Forms


If you have not returned a general permission or annual data check form your child will be given a new form to bring home over the following days. Please complete and return these to school as soon as possible to ensure we have accurate and up to date information in place for your child.

Poppy Fund

Primary 7 pupils will bring poppies round to each class from next Monday (7th November). If you would like your pupil to make a donation to buy a poppy they can bring money with them to do so. Please ensure your child has their money stored safely and remind them to bring it up to class first thing.

Updated First Aid and Medication Policies

Please click on these links to find out how we manage first aid and medication in school

First Aid Procedures | Wormit Primary School (

Medication | Wormit Primary School (

Saturday Football

If you have a payment outstanding for fees for the August-October session, these should be paid using iPayimpact into the Saturday Football fund. The amount due for the Aug-Oct session was £5.

Please check your child’s hair

We advise all parents to regularly check their child’s hair for nits and lice and treat them if you find them. The pharmacist can offer advice and more information is available here: Head lice and nits – NHS (

Weekly Information 28th October 2022

P1-7 Parent-Teacher Meetings November 2022

The system is now live for you to book your child’s appointments. The information about how to do that is available here. If you would like to meet your child’s teacher this term, you must book by end of the day on 9th November.


Toy Drive

The North East Fife Toy Drive is running again this year. Toy Drive collects  presents and gifts them to children whose parents or carers will struggle with the cost of Christmas this year. Donations can be dropped off at a variety of points including Wormit Primary School. If any parent wants to donate but can’t make it to Wormit, feel free to drop off at Balmerino and I can take it down for you. There is more info here: Toy Drive Poster.

If your family might struggle financially this Christmas, please contact me in confidence and I will arrange to refer you to Toy Drive – 


P1 Health Checks

Just a reminder that these are on Thursday of next week (3rd). Don’t forget to return your child’s form.



A huge thank you to the Parent Council for organising the parties on Wednesday – what a lovely evening for everyone! P1-7 children are invited to bring a costume in on Monday to wear in the afternoon.


Tempest Photographer

The photographer will be in school on Friday 4th November to take individual and Sibling photos. All children will have their photo taken unless you contact me at to request they don’t or if you have previously withheld permission for photos. There is no obligation to buy. If your child is in Nursery but does not usually attend on a Friday and you would like their photo to be taken, you can bring them to school between 8.15 and 8.45 to get that done. If you would like a younger sibling included in the sibling photo, you can bring all your children to school between 8.15 and 8.45 to get that photo taken. The nursery/school aged children will then get their individual photo taken in school time.


Please book your Parents Evening Appointment by 3pm on 9th November 2022

You are now invited to make appointments for the school’s next parent-teacher meetings. These will be held Face to Face in School not by video call. We are using the Parents Evening Booking system to allow you to choose your appointment but we will not be using the video call system as we did when Covid Restrictions were in place.


Parent Teacher Appointments will be held on:

Tuesday 15th November – 6-8pm

Thursday 17th November – 4-6pm

Wednesday 23rd November 6-8pm


Each appointment is 10 minutes long – this is an opportunity to meet your child’s teacher and discuss their progress. It is not long enough to raise new concerns or issues. If there is anything causing you concern, please contact me in advance rather than saving it until the meeting and we will do the same.


To make your appointments please login at: Parents Evening Booking System


To login you will need to enter your name, your child’s name ([First Name] [Last Name]) and your child’s date of birth. The login details you enter must match those we have on record for you.


Appointments are available to book until 15.00 on 9th Nov 2022. If you want to meet with your child’s teacher this term, you must book by then.


After you have made your appointments you can choose to print or e-mail confirmation. When the day of your appointment comes, please come to the front door of the school five minutes before your first appointment is due to begin. I am looking forward to welcoming you as you arrive and will direct you to the classroom to meet your child’s teacher.


If you cannot login please contact the school office.

N.B. The email address field on the login page is only used to send your appointment confirmation. If you have problems logging in, it will not be because of the e-mail address you entered. If you would like some detailed instructions on how to use Parents Booking, you can download a guide by clicking here. Please disregard the section on joining the video call as you are only using the system for booking.

The system will only allow you to book one appointment per child and time only allows for one appointment per child (except in exceptional circumstances). If both parents can’t attend together, we ask that one attends and the other feeds back to them. If one face to face meeting doesn’t work for your family, please get in touch with me to discuss.

With thanks for your support,

Lucy Jess



The Term Ahead

Foodbank donation

All children are invited to bring a donation for the Wormit Foodbank at the start of this term, following on from our harvest message of sharing. Please send your donation in before the end of the week.


Christmas Cards

At the start of this week, your child will bring home their Christmas Card design again. This is yours to keep now. If you want to order cards, please scan the QR code and you will be able to do so.


P1-7 Parent-Teacher Appointments

Parent Teacher Appointments will be held on:

Tuesday 15th November – 6-8pm

Thursday 17th November – 4-6pm

Wednesday 23rd November 6-8pm

All appointments will be face to face in school. Information about booking your appointment will come out soon.


Annual Data check and General Permissions

If you didn’t return these forms last term, please do so as soon as possible. The school office will be in touch with you if we don’t have them by the end of this week to see if they can help.


Inservice Day

Friday 18th November – school and nursery closed to pupils.


Whole School Trip to Panto at the Rothes Hall (Cinderella): Wednesday 7th December

Please make your £10 contribution per child, if you can, by the 28th November. You can pay electronically via iPayImpact or contact Miss Sivewright if you need help to do this.



We know some parents found the volume of emails high at the end of last term. We try hard to send information in one communication like this when we can. The volume was higher than usual at the end of term because I felt there were a number of things that required action and which it might be helpful to have in a separate email with the item in the subject line. But I recognise that this did not work for all our families and I apologise that this was the case.  More details about how we contact you and how you can contact us can be found here.


Halloween Disco

Don’t forget the Parent Council Halloween Disco is on Wednesday of this week. Details are in the email sent on Tuesday 4th October.


Tempest Photographer

The photographer will be in school on Friday 4th November to take individual and Sibling photos. All children will have their photo taken unless you contact me at to request they don’t or if you have previously withheld permission for photos. There is no obligation to buy. If your child is in Nursery but does not usually attend on a Friday and you would like their photo to be taken, you can bring them to school between 8.15 and 8.45 to get that done. If you would like a younger sibling included in the sibling photo, you can bring all your children to school between 8.15 and 8.45 to get that photo taken. The nursery/school aged children will then get their individual photo taken in school time.


Dates for the Year

Just a reminder that dates for the year are available here. There will need to be a change to Sports Day to accommodate the dates we now have for P7 Transition to Madras and this will be updated as soon as possible.


Lucy Jess


Christmas Card Fundraiser

We will be carrying out our Christmas Card fundraiser again this year.  The children have been busy this week doing their Christmas Card designs. They have brought them home for you to see. If your child’s design hasn’t come home yet, please contact us to query it.

If you would like to order cards, all you have to do at this stage is send your child’s artwork back to school by Thursday 6th October. This lets us know you are happy for us to share their work and name with the company who make the cards.

We will send the designs away to the company who will link your child’s design their QR code and return them to us. We will send them home again and, at that point, you will be able to scan the QR code and order cards. You will receive your cards in time for Christmas.

Please support this fundraiser if you can.

If you don’t want to order cards, you can just keep your child’s design at home.