All posts by Mrs Jess

Weekly Information – 19th May 2023

A few polite reminders:

  • There is no access to the school carpark for parents at any time. There are moving vehicles at all times in the carpark and space is very limited. When dropping off or picking up your child (even if it during the school day) you should park safely on the street and walk onto school grounds. Please remind your child that they should not walk through the carpark or use the carpark gate at any time of day.
  • Children should not bring toys to school unless their teacher asks them to for a learning activity. This includes Pokemon cards and other card or sticker sets. It is too easy for confusion and fall outs to happen so far best that children keep their belongings safely at home. I would appreciate it if all parents could check their child follows this rule.
  • There are no dogs allowed on school property at any time including out with school hours. The only way I can be sure there is no dog poo on Big Park when the children go to play there is to insist on this. We have seen dogs on Big Park out with school time (though we don’t if with parents or other members of the community) so I would appreciate it if you could all share this message in the community. I am looking to get signage in place as well.



Well done to the team who played at the St Leonards Tournament on Monday. They reached the final.


Community Events

Click here for details of a production of Joseph and the Technicoloured Dreamcoat

Wormit Boat Club are having an open day on Saturday the 20th May and would love to see as many families there as possible? They will have the opportunity to try out any and all of the watersports on offer i.e. sailing, rowing, kayaking, paddle boarding and even be able to ride on a high speed rib, there will also be food, singing and games – all sports are free to try out. The open day starts at 12 and will go on all afternoon.



Message from Active Schools

Looking for a fun family day out this summer? Aged 1 or 101 everyone is welcome for some family yoga in the beautiful walled garden at Cambo. Get all the family together to stretch, get active and laugh with yoga. Family yoga provides kids & adults a chance to embrace their playfulness and spend some great quality time together. Work together with your children creating shapes and moving through playful practices combining movement, breath, meditation and relaxation. This is time to let go of expectations, engage your imagination and find connections. These sessions are open to all ages, from 0 – 100. Any family members are welcome, the more the merrier!

Book your spaces online at

Tickets cost: £15 for a family of 2, £20 for a family of 3 or 4

Price includes: Yoga session, Partner and family postures, Songs and games, Movement, Mindfulness, Breathing, Relaxation

Half price garden entry for adults at Cambo for the day.

Wednesday 26th July, 11am – 12.15pm

Wednesday 2nd August, 11am – 12.15pm

You’re very welcome to bring your own picnic and stay for a play in the nature playground, enjoy some of the family friendly walks on offer or take advantage or half price admittance for adults to the walled garden for the rest of the day (children free).

Weekly Information – 21st April 2023

Sponsored Run

Thank you to everyone who supported the sponsored run, we raised a whopping £1668 for Wateraid.

Health and Safety – Bike Shed
For safety and to stop bikes getting damaged, children should not play in the bike shed or climb on the racks. I have made sure all children know this at assembly today. Please can I ask parents and carers to make sure their children follow this rule when supervising them on school property before and after school. I am grateful for your support.
Coronation Lunch
This will be held on 4th May. P1-7 parents – if your child will have the school Party Lunch Box, please pre-order it by end of the day on Thursday 27th April. Nursery parents – staff will check your child’s order with you. This is so the food can be ordered and help avoid waste.

Message from Active Schools

I wanted to take this opportunity to share with you a little Active Schools update from term 3. I have attached the link to the SWAY below and as always if you have any questions please do just get in touch with me. 
Madison Garland, Madras Active Schools Coordinator

Weekly Information – 24th March 2023

Ardroy Residential

P7 are currently on their way back from their trip to Ardroy. I will keep their parents up to date with arrival timings and I am sure they will have many tales from the week as well as plenty of dirty washing!

Drinks in Packed Lunch Boxes

Please don’t include a high sugar drink in your child’s lunchbox. Juice or dilute squash is allowed but you should not include a fizzy drink or an energy drink.

Sponsored Run

P1-7 Sponsored Run will be held on Wednesday 29th March at the following times:

P1-3 at 10am
​P4&5 at 1.30pm
P6&7 at 2.15pm
You are welcome to join us on big Park to watch your child run.
Please use the Just Giving page to sponsor the team if you can and share it with family and friends.

On Wednesday 29th March, P1-7 should come to school wearing running kit and trainers – no need for uniform.

Church Service

On Thursday 30th March, all P1-7 children will go to the Church for our Spring Service. Parents are welcome to join us there for a 9.30 start – please use the pews at the back. If any Nursery parents would like their child to attend, they are welcome to bring them along and then drop them back to Nursery afterwards.

Thursday 30th is the last day of term – we will look forward to seeing everyone back at school on 17th April.

Last Orders for Milk

If you want your child to have milk in school in Term 4, please order and pay through iPayImpact before this term ends or contact Lisa in the office for help to do so.

P2/3 are helping The Rio

Click here to see the winning poster full size!

P2/3 have been learning about The Rio. They have had a visit from Betty who told them about the work The Rio does in the community to help local people and also to help people in crisis.  She told the children that, at the moment, they are working with three different projects. Firstly they offer help to local families with their ‘All Welcome’ meals and food pantry where food is freely available for those in need. Also they work with a homeless charity based in Kirkcaldy and Dundee providing sleeping bags to those sleeping rough and finally they are involved in a project that is sending warm clothes to Turkey and Syria and have already sent over a lorry full of clothing. She said that donations into the Rio of food, clothing and sleeping bags were the priority so if families could help with this it would be greatly appreciated.

The class have had a competition to design a poster to promote the important work of the Rio. Here is the winning design – well done Chrissy and Archie!

P1-7 Sponsored Run

On Wednesday 29th  March, all P1-7 children will be taking part in a sponsored run in support of Wateraid. You are invited to come to school to watch your child run if you would like:


P1-3 at 10am

P4&5 at 1.30pm

P6&7 at 2.15pm

Children should come to school in their running kit and shoes – they will wear this all day.

We are working as a team and aiming to raise £1000 for Wateraid.


Article 24 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child says all children have the right to the best health care possible, clean water to drink, healthy food and a clean and safe environment to live in. Sadly not all children in the world have access to clean water to drink and wash with and to decent toilets. At Wormit PS, we all take these things for granted and our fundraiser this year is going to help other children have their rights met.

WaterAid is an international not-for-profit, determined to make clean water, decent toilets and good hygiene normal for everyone, everywhere within a generation. Only by tackling these three essentials in ways that last can people change their lives for good.

Please sponsor the team if you can.  Click here to donate  or use the QR code. Please share with friends and family who you think might like to be involved.

QR code

Please book your Parent Teacher Meeting by 12 Noon on 3rd March

You are now invited to make appointments for the school’s next parent-teacher meetings. These will be held Face to Face in School not by video call. We are using the Parents Evening Booking system to allow you to choose your appointment but we will not be using the video call system as we did when Covid Restrictions were in place.


Parent Teacher Appointments will be held on:

Tuesday 7th March 5.30-7.30
Thursday 9th March 4.00-6.00
Wednesday 15th March 4.30-6.30pm


Each appointment is 10 minutes long – this is an opportunity to meet your child’s teacher and discuss their progress. It is not long enough to raise new concerns or issues. If there is anything causing you concern, please contact me in advance rather than saving it until the meeting and we will do the same.


To make your appointments please login at: Parents Evening Booking System


To login you will need to enter your name, your child’s name ([First Name] [Last Name]) and your child’s date of birth. The login details you enter must match those we have on record for you.


Appointments are available to book until 12 Noon on Friday 3rd March. If you want to meet with your child’s teacher this term, you must book by then. Please do not attempt to reschedule your meeting after that time as the system will not let you do so.


After you have made your appointments you can choose to print or e-mail confirmation. When the day of your appointment comes, please come to the front door of the school five minutes before your first appointment is due to begin. I am looking forward to welcoming you as you arrive and will direct you to the classroom to meet your child’s teacher.


If you cannot login please contact the school office.

N.B. The email address field on the login page is only used to send your appointment confirmation. If you have problems logging in, it will not be because of the e-mail address you entered. If you would like some detailed instructions on how to use Parents Booking, you can download a guide by clicking here. Please disregard the section on joining the video call as you are only using the system for booking.

The system will only allow you to book one appointment per child and time only allows for one appointment per child (except in exceptional circumstances). If both parents can’t attend together, we ask that one attends and the other feeds back to them. If one face to face meeting doesn’t work for your family, please get in touch with me to discuss.

With thanks for your support,

Lucy Jess



Weekly Information – 10th February 2023

Fife’s Neurodevelopmental Webpages – Launch

Fife Council are launching a website to signpost staff and families to. The purpose of the site is to clarify what we mean by Neurodevelopment, and to provide information on referral, diagnosis and the support available. Going forward, this will be a crucial tool in how we share information on our processes and the advice we can make available to families. The site has very recently gone live, and the Test of Change project team have asked if I would share it with staff and  families. Importantly, the project group is looking for feedback on the site content and structure as part of its future development. Users can leave feedback using the link that is included at the foot of each page.


P7 Transition to Madras

The P7s had a great visit from Mr Currie (Rector) and Mr Wishart (DHT) today.


Next week – Don’t forget!

School and Nursery are closed on Wednesday 15th for the Inservice Day and Thursday 16th and Friday 17th for the February Holiday.

P4-7 will have the House Quiz on Tuesday – the questions will all be based on the theme Life of Land.

Weekly Information – 27th January 2022

Thank you to everyone who came to the open afternoons this week. It was lovely to see you in school. We will be in touch soon about booking Parent Teacher meetings in March and we’ll look forward to seeing you again then.


P7 Transition to S1

P7 parents – please remember there is the final open evening at Madras on 23rd February from 6-7pm. If you haven’t yet visited the school with your child, I recommend you attend this meeting. In the early part of February we will have a meeting from Mr Currie (HT) and Mr Wishart (DHT) who will meet with all of the children. We have already begun to share information to support transition and in May, the guidance team will visit school to meet with us to ensure they have all the final necessary details. In the summer term, all children will make transition visits to Madras. The main three day visits are on 13th, 14th and 15th June and there is an open evening for parents and P7s on the evening of 15th. Some children will benefit from additional visits over and above that and this will be arranged according to need. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns about your child’s transition to Madras.




Please remember there is no pedestrian or cycle access through the carpark. There are moving vehicles at all times. Please don’t let your child walk or cycle through the carpark even if you are with them and anyone arriving on a bike should dismount at the pedestrian gate and push their bike through the grounds. Thank you for your support in this.


Nursery Contribution

Nursery children have been enjoying a range of foods at snack again this week – this is only possible with the help of contributions to Nursery fund. If you haven’t made a contribution yet and are able to do so, please refer back to the email about doing so or speak to Lisa in the office for help.


Office Hours

Nicola Bates has joined Lisa in the school office in the post vacated by Tracy when she moved to Balmerino. Nicola is here on a Thursday and Friday morning. If you need to speak to someone in the office, please note the office is open between 8.15 and 1.15 and 1.45 and 3.15. If you call outwith these hours you will get the answer phone – please leave a message and it will get picked up when the office reopens. If you call during these hours and get the answer machine, leave a message and it will get picked up as quickly as possible – we will call you back if needed.


Message from Active School

I am getting in touch with you regarding a questionnaire Community Use here  Madras. The form is to identify local need for activity to better support our community in becoming active. Please complete it if possible

Weekly Information – 20th January 2023

Message from the Foodbank

The foodbank would like to thank everyone for their kind donations last term.  We are here to support the community should anyone require our help. We have an emergency mobile number 07840957039 where you can speak to someone at any time, or you can visit our website


Open Afternoons

All parents are welcome to drop in to school to visit the P1-7 areas and see the displays of work following our ‘Life on Land’ themed work. You can drop in from 3.15 – 4.15 on Wednesday 25th and Thursday 26th January. Please bring your child with you so you can discuss the work and please come to the front door where I will meet you and direct you. Nursery parents are also welcome to come along – it is a lovely chance to have a first look at your child’s P1 area. Please do introduce yourself to me at the door – I am still putting names to faces after so long working virtually due to Covid.

Weekly Information – 6th January 2023

Happy New Year to all out families and welcome back to school.

P1-7 Open Afternoons

All children in P1-7 are busy working on a ‘Life on Land’ theme during the first two weeks of term. Their work will be displayed and P1-7 parents are invited to come into school on 25th and 26th January between 3.15-4.15 to look at the displays. Please came to the front door of the school and you will be able to go upstairs with your child to visit their classroom and see the displays. You are welcome to visit all the classrooms in the school, not just your child’s! This is not an opportunity to look at jotters or meet with your child’s teacher (there will be parents evenings later in the term to do that) it is an opportunity to look at your child’s learning environment and the displayed work with them and we are greatly looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible in school on those days.


Nursery Enrolments

Nursery enrolments for session 2023-24 are now open. If your child is due to start nursery at any point during the next academic year, you should apply for their place now. This applies to children who turn 3 before the end of February 2024. If your child is currently nearly 2 or is already 2, it is time to apply! Click here for details. If your child is already in our nursery and does not start school in August, you don’t need to reapply unless you want to make changes to their current placement. If your child is of school age in August but won’t have yet turned 5 and you are considering deferring them in Nursery for an additional year, you should speak to me as soon as possible as the deferment paperwork needs to be completed by 31st January 2023.


P1 Enrolment will open soon.



Click here to access dates for the whole school year. Please note that there is a change to the previously advertised P1-7 Sports Day date.

Please remember that, as per the letter from Carrie Lindsay last term, our school and nursery will be closed on 10th and 18th January due to Teachers’ strikes. We will let you know in a timely fashion if the strikes should be cancelled and school and nursery be open as usual.