All posts by Mrs Jess

Weekly Information – 1st March 2024

Sponsored Run

It is time to launch our biggest fundraiser of the year!

Wednesday 27th March – P1-7 Sponsored Run in aid of Comic Relief – children will wear kit all day and can wear red if they want! – Parents are invited to spectate at these times:

P1&2 at 10am
P3-5 at 1.30pm
P6&7 at 2.15pm

Click Here to donate via our Just Giving page. Please share the page with friends and family to help Team Wormit reach their target of £1000.


Parentwise Survey – Last Chance if you haven’t done it yet!

Please complete the Parentwise Survey – it is open until 8th March. Click here to read more details and find a QR code to scan to go to the survey. Or click here to access the survey directly. All Fife Council Schools take part in the survey and your responses and comments will be collated and shared back to me. Staff and I will use the results to plan School Improvement Priorities for next year. We really value your feedback and I encourage you to take part.


Primary 1 Enrolments for August 2024

Just a reminder that all enrolments must be done by 15th March. You must enrol for your catchment school but can then make a request for another school if you have a preference for a different school. If this is the case you should note that you won’t hear the outcome of your placing request until the end of April. If you are making a placing request to our school, please understand that I won’t be able to give you a decision until then. Click here to complete online.


Rag Bag Collection

There will be a Rag Bag Collection on Wednesday 6th March.  Please can we ask that any donations are brought into school on Tuesday 5th March.  Thank you


Nut-free school

A reminder that due to some children in the school having severe allergies, our school is a nut-free environment. Please do not send your child to school with any items (including snacks) which contain nuts or peanuts as a highlighted allergen. This includes Nutella Snacks. For safety reasons, if snacks containing these items are brought to school we will have to ask children to leave them unopened.


World Book Day – 7th March

Primary children should come to school in uniform as usual, they will do tasks to promote a love of reading during the day. Nursery children can come dressed as a book character to promote conversation if they would like.

Weekly Information – 23rd February 2024

Morgan (P2) and Arianna (P5) are fundraising for a cause close to their hearts. If any friends would like to sponsor them, the information is here: Just Giving

Rag Bag Collection

There will be a Rag Bag Collection on Wednesday 6th March.  Please can we ask that any donations are brought into school on Tuesday 5th March.  Thank you

Nut-free school

A reminder that due to some children in the school having severe allergies, our school is a nut-free environment. Please do not send your child to school with any items (including snacks) which contain nuts or peanuts as a highlighted allergen. This includes Nutella Snacks. For safety reasons, if snacks containing these items are brought to school we will have to ask children to leave them unopened.

P3-4 Lunchtime Football

We still have some spaces available for P3-4 pupils at our lunchtime football club on a Wednesday. This club is run by an Active Schools coach and takes place each week on Big Park (weather permitting). Pupils should bring clothing suitable for outdoor PE every Wednesday. If you would like your child to attend and they do not do so currently, please email Mr Rose at

Weekly Information – 12th February 2024

Madras Transition

Mr Currie (Rector) and Mr Wishart (Depute) will visit P7 on the morning of 12th February. This is the first part of the Universal Transition Programme to Madras and a great opportunity for the children to begin to learn about their new school.

On 26th March, all P7s in the cluster will go to Madras for a ceilidh. This will be a great chance to meet P7s from other schools and it will see the whole of next years’ S1 cohort working together. More info will follow – there will be no charge for the outing as Madras are funding the buses.


No Uniform Day – 13th February

We will be holding a no-uniform day on 13th February. Every family is asked to send a donation in with their child – please pay what you can. The payment will be collected in class and counted at the office with all funds raised going to local charity For the Love of the Child who are travelling to India in February to work with children  and families in tribal villages who migrate to work in brick kilns. More information is available here:

FLOC India brochure

and here

India fundraiser

For the Love of the Child is a charity founded by parents of the school and so is close to all our hearts at Wormit Primary School.


Don’t forget

School and Nursery are both closed to pupils on 14th, 15th and 16th February.


P1-7 Parent Teacher Meetings in March

Please look out for emails coming out to tell you how to book your slot. The system will be open for bookings from 19th-23rd Feb inclusive. Please don’t try to book before then.


Rotary Quiz

We are inviting P7 children to put themselves forward for the Rotary Quiz Team on 28th February. Please complete the form within the email sent today to express interest for your child.



Parentwise Survey

Please complete the Parentwise Survey – it is open until 8th March. Click here to read more details and find a QR code to scan to go to the survey. Or click here to access the survey directly. All Fife Council Schools take part in the survey and your responses and comments will be collated and shared back to me. Staff and I will use the results to plan School Improvement Priorities for next year. We really value your feedback and I encourage you to take part.

Weekly Information – 2nd February 2024

Madras Visit

Mr Currie (Rector) and Mr Wishart (Depute) will visit P7 on the morning of 12th February. This is the first part of the Universal Transition Programme to Madras and a great opportunity for the children to begin to learn about their new school.


Don’t forget

School and Nursery are both closed to pupils on 14th, 15th and 16th February.


Parentwise Survey

Please complete the Parentwise Survey – it is open until 8th March. Click here to read more details and find a QR code to scan to go to the survey. Or click here to access the survey directly. All Fife Council Schools take part in the survey and your responses and comments will be collated and shared back to me. Staff and I will use the results to plan School Improvement Priorities for next year. We really value your feedback and I encourage you to take part.


No Uniform Day – 13th February

We will be holding a no-uniform day on 13th February. Every family is asked to send a donation in with their child – please pay what you can. The payment will be collected in class and counted at the office with all funds raised going to local charity For the Love of the Child who are travelling to India in February to work with children  and families in tribal villages who migrate to work in brick kilns. More information is available here:

FLOC India brochure

and here

India fundraiser

For the Love of the Child is a charity founded by parents of the school and so is close to all our hearts at Wormit Primary School.



Flass Road Closure – week beginning 5th February

Flass Road is going to be closed all week in week beginning 5th February for essential work. The contractors will provide access for school taxis at drop off and pick up times and staff arriving and leaving at those times will be able to get in and out of the car park. There will be limited access at all other times of the day and staff arriving or planning to leave outwith those time should be prepared to park on the main road or somewhere else nearby and walk the rest of the way. Parents will not be able to park on Flass Road at all during that week and there will continue to be no access to the school car park for parents. Please walk to school or park at a distance and walk the final section. Please note there will be increased parking on the streets around the school and I must ask everyone not to block driveways or park on double yellow lines or zig zags. I think it will be a challenging week and I thank you all in advance for your patience.


Weekly Information – 26th January 2024

Parentwise Survey

Please complete the Parentwise Survey – it is open until 8th March. Click here to read more details and find a QR code to scan to go to the survey. Or click here to access the survey directly. All Fife Council Schools take part in the survey and your responses and comments will be collated and shared back to me. Staff and I will use the results to plan School Improvement Priorities for next year. We really value your feedback and I encourage you to take part.


No Uniform Day – 13th February

We will be holding a no-uniform day on 13th February. Every family is asked to send a donation in with their child – please pay what you can. The payment will be collected in class and counted at the office with all funds raised going to local charity For the Love of the Child who are travelling to India in February to work with children  and families in tribal villages who migrate to work in brick kilns. More information is available here:

FLOC India brochure

and here

India fundraiser

For the Love of the Child is a charity founded by parents of the school and so is close to all our hearts at Wormit Primary School.


Message from Active Schools

Click Here to find out about community opportunities.


Flass Road Closure – week beginning 5th February

Flass Road is going to be closed all week in week beginning 5th February for essential work. The contractors will provide access for school taxis at drop off and pick up times and staff arriving and leaving at those times will be able to get in and out of the car park. There will be limited access at all other times of the day and staff arriving or planning to leave outwith those time should be prepared to park on the main road or somewhere else nearby and walk the rest of the way. Parents will not be able to park on Flass Road at all during that week and there will continue to be no access to the school car park for parents. Please walk to school or park at a distance and walk the final section. Please note there will be increased parking on the streets around the school and I must ask everyone not to block driveways or park on double yellow lines or zig zags. I think it will be a challenging week and I thank you all in advance for your patience.


SAVE UP TO £456 PER CHILD IN 2024 – Message for All Parents / Carers from Fife Council

Free school meals are available for ALL children in P1-P5 automatically, with no criteria to meet and no need to apply. If your child normally takes a packed lunch, why not encourage them to try a school lunch? It could free up valuable time for you and help you save up to £456 per child over the whole school year.

If you have children in P1-P5 who normally bring their lunch to school, why not earn yourself a break from making packed lunches.  It could be one way to save on the cost of the school day.  At this time of year, everything helps.

During 2024, we’ll be aiming to raise awareness about the kind of food options available and help you convince your children to try a school meal – there really is something for all tastes, textures and dietary needs.

As well as a range of cooked meals, there are healthy packed-lunch options too – filled rolls, sandwiches and wraps.  We try to provide something for everyone, whether that be for plainer eaters or children with special dietary requirements.  We are always striving to improve the quality and variety of what we provide.

Our menus provide a balanced diet over the week and at least one third of the daily nutritional requirements of pupils. You can download the Fife school meals menu and read more about school meals including menu information, ingredients and allergens at

Parents and carers of children in Primary 6 and 7, and those with a young person in high school may also be eligible for Free School Meal Entitlement, but you must apply for this. To see if you qualify for this or other benefits go to

This time of year can increase money worries for everyone.  Make sure you’re getting the help you’re entitled to.  There’s also help available for those who aren’t eligible for any benefits – some support is universal, meaning anyone can get it.  Check if there’s anything that might ease the winter pressures for you at You can see what other benefits you might be entitled to by using the Fife Benefits Calculator, which you’ll also find there.




Weekly Information – 5th January 2024

Enrolment for Nursery and P1

Enrolments for Nursery from August 2024 are now open: Click here for more information.

Enrolments for P1 in August 2024 will open on Monday: Click here for more information.

If you are considering retaining your child for an additional Nursery Year and have not already discussed it with me, please contact me as soon as possible through the school office. This applies to children who turn five between mid-August 2024 and end of February 2025, their parents can choose to enrol them in P1 or retain them for an additional nursery year. The paperwork for the additional nursery year must be completed by end of day on 31st January. There are pros and cons to retaining and you must discuss this with me to get the full picture. Lucy Jess

Gilbert Valentine’s Saturday Football Club

Mr Rose has sent out the information about Gilbert’s Club in a separate email, it is also available here: Advice January 2024

Gilbert has arranged a girl’s football match against Newport PS on 19th January and a Boys match on 26th January. Both will be after school at Waterstone Crook. Gilbert will collect the children from school and walk them along the nature trail. If he selects your child for the match, you will receive a note in their school bag with the arrangements. Please note that the matches are arranged and run by Gilbert as part of his Saturday Football Club – the risk assessment of the outing lie with him and any questions about it should be directed to him  – his contact details are in the advice note.

We very much value our partnership with Gilbert and I thank him for the opportunities his club offers our pupils.


Dates for this term:

Monday 29th January – P7 Residential Trip to Ardroy until Friday

Wednesday 14th February – Inservice Training Day – School and Nursery closed to pupils

Thursday 15th and Friday 16th February – School Holidays

Tuesday 5th March – P1-7 Parent/Teacher Meetings 5.30-7.30pm (Info about signing up for an appointment time will follow)

Thursday 7th March

– P1-7 Parent/Teacher Meetings 4-6pm (Info about signing up for an appointment time will follow)

– World Book Day – P1-7 will do peer supporting reading activities, normal uniform please. Nursery children can wear a costume.

Wednesday 13th March – P1-7 Parent/Teacher Meetings 6-8pm (Info about signing up for an appointment time will follow)

Wednesday 27th March – P1-7 Sponsored Run in aid of Comic Relief – children will wear kit all day and can wear red if they want! – Parents are invited to spectate at these times:

P1&2 at 10am
P3-5 at 1.30pm
P6&7 at 2.15pm

Thursday 28th March

– Last day of term 3

– Spring Service at 9.30am in the Church. All P1-7 pupils will attend with their teacher. All parents are welcome to join us. Nursery parents can bring their child with them.


Weekly Information – 1st December 2023

Christmas Dates

Please click here to check you know all the Christmas dates.

If your child is in P5-7 and CAN’T come back to school for the Christmas Fair, please email me at to let us know. All families are invited to the Fair – we’d love to see Nursery and P1-4 families there, it will be a fun evening!


P1-4 Show Tickets

Your tickets will come home with your eldest child today – everyone has been able to have their first choice. Please check you have the tickets you requested and if there has been any error, email by the end of the day on Sunday. We will fix any errors (hopefully there are none) on Monday.

There are tickets left for both shows. These will be sold on a first ordered, first allocated basis – you will order them using a form which we will send at 6pm on Monday 4th December.

Please don’t send any money – you will pay on the night.


Milk Fund

The milk fund is open.


Pantomime Contribution – £4 per child

Just a reminder to pay this by 19th December, if you can, using iPayImpact.


Weekly Information – 24th November 2023

P1 Health Checks

Just a reminder that these are on Thursday next week.


School Uniform

Just a polite reminder that all children should come to school wearing their uniform, including a school jumper everyday. Red and Navy are our school colours and ideally this is the colour there jumper should be. Black and grey are also allowed. School jumpers should be a sweatshirt pullover or cardigan. Hoodies and Fleeces are not suitable for the classroom not or different coloured or patterned items or ones with pictures or slogans.

P7 will get their leavers hoodies in time to wear them to Ardory. Once the Ardroy trip is over, they will be allowed to wear them to school. They will be allowed to wear them in class but the leavers hoody will be the only hoody allowed. I also advise you to make sure they also have a school jumper because the hoody won’t be suitable for the three day visit to Madras.

As we approach Christmas, some children will start to want to wear Christmas jumpers etc to school. Please keep your child in uniform through December. They will be able to bring in party clothes to change into on their party day and everyone will be invited to wear no-uniform/Christmas jumper on the Christmas Lunch Day and panto day. It makes these days more special if everyone is in uniform for the rest of December and it helps us to keep a sense of purposeful calm.

Thank you for your support.



Please check you have all the Christmas date: available here. The school lunch day is 13th December.


Milk Fund

The milk fund is now open.


Pantomime Contribution – £4 per child

Just a reminder to pay this by 19th December, if you can, using iPayImpact.


Toy Drive

We are participating in this year’s Toy Drive event which will run until 30th November. Wormit Primary will be a collection point for any donations. These will then be collected and distributed to children and families in need. We will be collecting for boys & girls ages between 0-18. Gifts should be new and unwrapped – please drop off by 30th November. Please see attached flyer for more information:

Toy Drive Poster



Weekly Information – 17th November 2023

Newport Festival Light Switch On

Please click here for information about this event on Thursday 23td November. Our Junior Choir are invited to sing in St Mary’s Church at 5.30pm.

Playgroup Christmas Fair

Please click here for details about the Christmas Fair 2023


Pantomime Contribution – £4 per child

Just a reminder to pay this by 19th December, if you can, using iPayImpact.


Toy Drive

We are participating in this year’s Toy Drive event which will run until 30th November. Wormit Primary will be a collection point for any donations. These will then be collected and distributed to children and families in need. We will be collecting for boys & girls ages between 0-18. Gifts should be new and unwrapped – please drop off by 30th November. Please see attached flyer for more information:

Toy Drive Poster


P3-4 Lunchtime Football Club

We have a handful of spaces available in our lunchtime football club for P3-4 children. This runs at lunchtimes on a Wednesday (weather permitting!) – please let Mr Rose know by emailing at if you would like your child to attend and he will let you know if there are still spaces available or add your child to a waiting list. All pupils who attend the club should bring suitable outdoor PE kit, outdoor trainers (no studs please) and a change of socks.


Madras College Social Media Workshop – Change of Date
Dear parents/carers,
Madras College’s social media workshop that was scheduled for Thursday 23 November has had to be moved to Wednesday 22 November at 7pm. We’re sorry for any inconvenience this might cause. If parents/carers who wished to attend on Thursday 23 November can not attend on Wednesday 22, please get in touch with Madras College and we will look to reschedule for later in the term.

Yours faithfully,  Madras College

Weekly Information – 27th October

Pantomime Contribution

All children (Nursery – P7) will watch M&Ms production of Cinderella in the school hall on Wednesday 19th December. We are meeting much of the cost of this from school fund plus a generous contribution from Parent Council (who have also offered to purchase a treat for all children). To cover the rest, we are asking for a £4 contribution per child. Please pay this by 19th December using iPayImpact – please choose the fund called School Pantomime. Please don’t send cash but if you have problems accessing iPayImpact, contact Lisa in the office and she will help. If you can’t meet the cost, please email me in confidence to let me know – your child can still attend – no one will miss out!


Tea Towels and Calendars

Orders need to be in by 9th November

Please use this form to pre-order school calendars:

Please use this form to pre-order Nursery-P3 tea towels:

Please use this form to pre-order P4-7 tea towels:

Playground Snacks

P1-7 parents – please send your child with a playground snack each day.  We recommend fruit, biscuits, crackers, oats bars cheese. One snack is all there is time for. From Monday, there will be a bowl of apples (funded by Parent Council – thank you!) which any child can help themselves to if they have forgotten a snack. Sweets made purely from sugar or sweeteners (Moan, haribo, tic tacs, lollies etc) are not suitable snacks as they do not fill children up and should not be brought to school. Staff will ask children to put these away if they see them with them at playtime – there will be the option to take an apple if this is their only snack. Many thanks for your support.

Family Charity Challenge

When you wish upon a star, are a charity who do amazing work granting wishes for children living with life threatening illnesses. They are looking for families to participate this winter in the Elf Wish Walk campaign to help them raise money. Details of the campaign are here:

Scarlett’s Wish

Elf Wish Walk Information Pack

If your family gets involved – we’d love to hear how you get on with your challenge. It could be a great way to beat the early winter blues!

Thank you to a parent of the school who brought this to my attention.

Cluster Netball

Please find information below from Fife Active Schools on P5-7 cluster netball:

I am delighted to announce that Active Schools in partnership with Saints Sport are once again running our cluster netball session for pupils in P5-7.  Sessions will start on Wednesday 1st November from 4pm-5pm at Madras College for a 4 week block. The last session will take place on Wednesday 22nd November. 
To secure your child’s place please complete the below link. I will be in touch to confirm your child’s space at this club on Monday 30th October. 
Thank you,
Madison Garland 
Active Schools 
P1 Eye Tests
Please see the attached information


P1 Photographs

Thank you for taking part in this year’s First Class feature – we have loved to see all the amazing primary one class photos!   We can let you know that your school’s class photos will feature in paper as follows:

Evening Telegraph – Thursday 2nd November

Courier – Thursday 9th November

Kind Regards

Lorrayne Brown

Newspaper Sales & Marketing Executive. D.C Thomson.