Weekly Information – 27th January 2022

Thank you to everyone who came to the open afternoons this week. It was lovely to see you in school. We will be in touch soon about booking Parent Teacher meetings in March and we’ll look forward to seeing you again then.


P7 Transition to S1

P7 parents – please remember there is the final open evening at Madras on 23rd February from 6-7pm. If you haven’t yet visited the school with your child, I recommend you attend this meeting. In the early part of February we will have a meeting from Mr Currie (HT) and Mr Wishart (DHT) who will meet with all of the children. We have already begun to share information to support transition and in May, the guidance team will visit school to meet with us to ensure they have all the final necessary details. In the summer term, all children will make transition visits to Madras. The main three day visits are on 13th, 14th and 15th June and there is an open evening for parents and P7s on the evening of 15th. Some children will benefit from additional visits over and above that and this will be arranged according to need. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns about your child’s transition to Madras.




Please remember there is no pedestrian or cycle access through the carpark. There are moving vehicles at all times. Please don’t let your child walk or cycle through the carpark even if you are with them and anyone arriving on a bike should dismount at the pedestrian gate and push their bike through the grounds. Thank you for your support in this.


Nursery Contribution

Nursery children have been enjoying a range of foods at snack again this week – this is only possible with the help of contributions to Nursery fund. If you haven’t made a contribution yet and are able to do so, please refer back to the email about doing so or speak to Lisa in the office for help.


Office Hours

Nicola Bates has joined Lisa in the school office in the post vacated by Tracy when she moved to Balmerino. Nicola is here on a Thursday and Friday morning. If you need to speak to someone in the office, please note the office is open between 8.15 and 1.15 and 1.45 and 3.15. If you call outwith these hours you will get the answer phone – please leave a message and it will get picked up when the office reopens. If you call during these hours and get the answer machine, leave a message and it will get picked up as quickly as possible – we will call you back if needed.


Message from Active School

I am getting in touch with you regarding a questionnaire Community Use hereĀ  Madras. The form is to identify local need for activity to better support our community in becoming active. Please complete it if possible