Weekly Information – 20th January 2023

Message from the Foodbank

The foodbank would like to thank everyone for their kind donations last term.  We are here to support the community should anyone require our help. We have an emergency mobile number 07840957039 where you can speak to someone at any time, or you can visit our website www.taybridgefoodbank.org.uk


Open Afternoons

All parents are welcome to drop in to school to visit the P1-7 areas and see the displays of work following our ‘Life on Land’ themed work. You can drop in from 3.15 – 4.15 on Wednesday 25th and Thursday 26th January. Please bring your child with you so you can discuss the work and please come to the front door where I will meet you and direct you. Nursery parents are also welcome to come along – it is a lovely chance to have a first look at your child’s P1 area. Please do introduce yourself to me at the door – I am still putting names to faces after so long working virtually due to Covid.