Final Panto Arrangements 2022

The whole school is going to the panto on 7th December. The show is Cinderella at the Rothes Hall. The performance is at 10am.

The buses will need to leave as soon as possible after 9am to get us there on time. Please bring your child to school from 8.45 onwards – the doors will be open and the staff will start toileting and registering from 8.45. Your child MUST be here by 9am or they risk missing the trip.

If your child is in P1-7, please send then with a snack for the interval – it should fit in their coat pocket as they won’t be taking a bag. We recommend something filling as we are having a late lunch. We aren’t taking water bottles because we don’t want them to get lost but we will give every child a carton of juice in the interval.

If your child is in nursery, the staff will provide a mid-morning snack as they usually do so you don’t need to send anything. The children will also have a drink there.

Lunch will be a packed lunch as we will be late back.

P1-7 parents – if you have already ordered your child’s choice on iPayImpact, they will get a school packed lunch. If you haven’t, please send them with a packed lunch from home.

Nursery will also have a cold lunch – this has already been ordered for them so parents don’t need to do anything.

With thanks for your support to make the trip run smoothly.

Lucy Jess