Christmas Shows 2022

As previous advertised, the Christmas Shows are taking place at these times:

Tuesday 13th 1.45: P4-7 Christmas Show
Wednesday 14th 1.45: P1-3 Christmas Show

6.00: P4-7 Christmas Show

Thursday 15th 6.00: P1-3 Christmas Show

Your child will bring home a letter today with a tear off slip for ordering tickets and an explanation of how to do this. Every child will bring a letter home but your ticket order and allocation is per family not per child – all families with one or more children in P1-3 will be able to order 2 tickets for the P1-3 show (either performance). All families with one or more children in P4-7 will be able to order 2 tickets for the P4-7 show (either performance). This is explained in the letter. I anticipate the evening performances will be more popular than the afternoon performances. If at all possible, please order 1 ticket for the afternoon and 1 for the evening. This will help every parent in the school get to see the show. There is not capacity in the hall for every family to have two tickets for the same show which is why we are doing two performances.

We are supporting the Wormit Foodbank through our shows this Christmas. All profits will be donated to the food bank and we invite you to bring a food donation with you when you come to see the performance.

All children have a part in their show. I am hopeful that all children will be able to return to school for the 6pm performance but if you have a diary clash and can’t bring your child back to school, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can make sure all parts are covered on the night. Teachers will send home requests for items for costumes – please don’t but anything especially for the show, we can help if needbe.

The 1.45 performances are happening during the school day. If you purchase tickets for that performance please arrive no sooner than 1.35 to begin to take your seats in the hall. We will need to get the hall set up after lunch so won’t be able to open the doors earlier than that. Once the show ends, the children will return to class and be let out by their teacher at 3.05pm as usual.

For the 6pm performance, please bring your child to the front door between 5.30 and 5.40 – they will go up to class to get changed into their costume and you can take your seats in the hall (if you have tickets) or leave them with us if you don’t. After the show, the children will go back up to class. We will ask the audience to wait in the hall for about 10 mins while they get changed and then you can go up to collect your child. If you haven’t stayed to see the show, you should return to school at 7.15 for P4-7 (on the 14th) and 6.45 for P1-3 (on the 15th). As it will be dark, all children will need to be collected from class by an adult. We won’t let anyone walk home on their own.

We are greatly looking forward to having you back in school for Christmas Shows after so long.