Weekly Information – 19th August 2022

It has been lovely to welcome everyone back to school this week. A special welcome to our new families. Over the coming weeks and months we are looking forward to having parents come into school. We will be planning dates for the year in advance and these will come out shortly.

Information for P1-7 Parents

I have sent home a sheet today with each child to give footwear and PE arrangement and school holiday dates. Last year parents told us they would appreciate this information as a paper copy. It is also available here: Information for P1-7 Parents

Data Check and General Permissions – for action by all parents

These forms will come home in an envelope on Monday. The data check shows the information we currently hold – please check it is still up to date and make any changes by hand using a coloured pen if possible (it helps us spot the changes if they are not in black!) Please sign the data check on both pages to confirm it is correct. The general permissions form needs to be completed so that we know we are following your wishes while your child is in our care. Please send both forms back in (using the same envelope) by end of day on 29th August. This will help us get all systems up to date.

Netball and Running Clubs – info for P5-7 parents

These after-school clubs will restart at the beginning of September.  P5-7 parents should look out for more information coming home with their child. Netball will be a Monday and Running a Friday. Thank you to our parent helpers who make this possible. If spaces are tight, we will give priority to the older children.