17th June 2022 – Round Up

It feels like a while since I have sent a weekly information sheet. As you know this has been a busy term and I was off sick for a couple of weeks. We have sent a lot of emails because we felt you needed some information directly and quickly, rather than through the weekly sheet. This is a round up of what has been happening and is going to be happening before we break up for the summer.

Things we have done:

  • Nursery staff have been busy supporting transition for the new children coming in and for the pre-school children who are going onto P1. Mrs Steven has also been busy getting to know next years’ P1 class.
  • P7 have had three transition days to Madras.
  • P1-6 have had a transition session where they met their new class and worked with their new teacher.
  • 10 P6/7 pupils attended a football tournament at Leuchars PS where they competed against other pupils and lived our school values to the full.
  • 4 P3/4 pupils attended a Madras Cluster tennis tournament in St Andrews and represented the school well.
  • Running Club has continued after school and netball club has started. The Running Club attended a cross-country event and did very well.
  • Our Girls Can (an initiative to encourage girls to continue to participate in sport) has been running in P7 as a lunchtime club.
  • The boys football team had a match again Liff Primary School and the girls played against Greyfriars and Canongate – thank you to Gilbert Valentine who arranged this through the Saturday Football Club which he continues to run (now back on Big Park) to the benefit of the school.
  • P5 Youth Music Performance
  • P1-7 Run for Refugees which raised a whopping £3050 for Disasters Emergency Committee.


Things we are looking forward to:

  • Sports Day – parents invited to attend – information came home via email
  • P7 Show – the children will all see the show in school next week and parents have had an email about seeing it.
  • End of Year Service – you have received information about this via email
  • Finding out who has won the House Cup!
  • Nursery/Playgroup Puppet Show
  • Parent Council Uniform Swap – please drop any further donations into school before 9am on Monday morning. The uniform will be laid out ready for you to collect (free or for a donation to Parent Council fund) on Friday 24th June.
  • Parent Council Treasure Hunt – please see info in the email that was sent today.



P1-7 assemblies have continued each week and we have celebrated those children who have been spotted living our school values and they have brought certificates home. When I have not been able to attend assembly, Mr Rose has stepped in to make sure this keeps going.  If you have emailed me to nominate your child for a headteacher award due to an achievement out of school and they haven’t received a certificate yet, this is an oversight on my part – please resend your email and I will make sure your child gets their award next week. My inbox got a little busy while I was off sick so I apologise if any email was missed.