Weekly Info 19th May 2022

Well Done..

…to the P6/7 running club who have had a successful day out to a Cross Country Event in Kirkcaldy. Thank you to Mr Rose and the parent helpers who gave them this great experience.


Jubilee Lunch – 1st June

The children be having a picnic lunch on 1st June to celebrate the Jubilee. You can either send your child with a packed lunch or order the Jubilee School Lunch in the usual way (iPayImpact for P1-7 and in Nursery for those pupils).

P1-7 children are invited to come to school wearing Red, White or Blue. No uniform needed. They will eat on Big Park.

Nursery Parents will get details of the Nursery plans via Seesaw.


Parent Council

There will be a Parent Council Meeting in school on Tuesday 31st May at 6.30pm. All parents of the school and nursery are welcome to attend to share ideas and get involved.The Parent Council currently has co-chairs, a secretary and a treasurer but there are openings for ordinary members – if you are keen to get involved in the wider life of the school, please consider standing for membership.The Parent Council have recently set up a Facebook Page – please like it to follow their activities and news from the school. The Facebook Page is now embedded in the School website and you should be able to see it on every page and post including this one. Most devices will let you view the content even if you are not logged in to Facebook and don’t have an account.


Open Afternoons

Thank you to all who came along – it was wonderful to have you all back in school.