Weekly Information – 29th April 2022

Dates for Your Diary

Monday 2nd May – School Holiday

Thursday 5th May – In-service Day – school closed to pupils for staff training

Monday 9th May – Madras Guidance Staff Visiting P7

Monday 16th and Wednesday 18th May – Open Afternoons (more information below)

Friday 27th May – P1-7 Sponsored Run for Ukraine (more information below)

Friday 3rd June – Additional Holiday for Jubilee

Monday 6th June – School Holiday

During week beginning 7th June – House Sports Competitions

Tuesday 14th- Thursday 16th June – P7s to Madras for Transition Days – more info to follow

Wednesday 22nd June – 6.30pm – P7 Show in school hall – all P7 families welcome (subject to confirmation of restrictions easing by Fife Council)

Thursday 23rd June – Sports Day – parents are invited to come and watch at 1.30pm

Friday 24th June – reports coming home (pre school Nursery Children and P1-7)

Thursday 30th June – End of Year Service – details to follow – I am hoping to invite all parents but it will be dependent on us securing the right size of venue

Thursday 30th June – last day of term – school finishes at 3.05pm and nursery finishes at 3pm


Open Afternoons

*Please note: these will go ahead subject to Fife Council confirming we can invite parents into the buildings for events. They have not yet done this as the Scottish Government Covid Threat Level remains at Moderate not Low.*

On Monday 16th and Wednesday 18th May, Nursery – P7 parents and children are invited to come to drop in between 3.30 and 4.30 to walk through the school. In P1-7 you will be able to view the children’s work from their ‘Being an Artist’ theme and all parents will be able to visit the nursery which was refurbished in August. This will be a wonderful chance for you to at last see the inside of the building, your child’s class and work. There will be a one system to avoid any large gathering inside – information about this will follow. Staff will not be present to keep numbers at the right level but Mr Rose and I will both be there to make sure people know where to go. I am greatly looking forward to putting faces to name – please do introduce yourself to me when you see me.

Please note that you will need to use steps to access the classroom areas – if any parent has mobility problems and needs help with this, please contact me.


P1-7 Sponsored Run for Ukraine

On 27th May, all P1-7 children will be taking part in a sponsored run in support of Ukrainian Refugees. You are invited to come to school to watch your child run if you would like:

P1-3 at 10am

P4&5 at 1.30pm

P6&7 at 2.15pm

We are working as a team and aiming to raise £1000 for Disasters Emergency Committee. Please sponsor the team if you can. You can click on this link or use the QR code. Please share with friends and family who you think might like to be involved.


P1-7 School Values

At Assemblies on a Friday, we celebrate children who live our school values and give them a certificate. This includes children who have an achievement out of school. If your child has a personal achievement, please email me at lucy.jess@fife.gov.uk to nominate them for an award.