Weekly Information – 25th March 2022

Child Protection – for information (all families)

On the in-service day, all staff had child protection refresher training. Our updated policies and procedures are available here. All children will bring home a copy of the leaflet in their school bag today.


School Car Park – for information and action (all families)

A polite reminder that the school car park is only for staff use. Parents dropping off and picking up should not drive into the car park as space is very limited. There is no pedestrian access to the car park – please don’t walk through it and please don’t allow your child to. There is always a risk of moving vehicles.


Easter Library Activities next week – for information (all families)

Please click here to find out more.


Covid Restrictions Easing – for information (all families)

All parents received a copy of the latest letter from Jason Leitch yesterday. In light of restrictions easing there will be changes next term and I will be in communication with you about these from next week onwards.