Weekly Information – 18th March

P1-7 have had a fun day today supporting Comic Relief as fundraising Superheroes and working together on creating Superheroes to represent our school values. Click here to find out more. We have raised £258!


P3 and P4’s entries for the Courier Mother’s Day supplement will be published over 21st, 22nd and 23rd March. Your child’s work was submitted if you gave permission for us to do so.


Please remember that the building work on the modular unit starts on Monday and the upper gate from Flass Road will closed as a site entrance. P1, P1/2 and Nursery parents should all come in the lower gate from Flass Road. P1 and P1/2 are now both using the door beside the main door for drop off and pick up. Nursery parents should go up the steps to the nursery gate – please let us know if you need help with a buggy. P3 children should come in the lower gate and go up the steps to reach their playground area. They all feel confident doing this as they do it already at playtime and lunchtime. Until the Scottish Government announces a change to school restrictions, P3-7 parents still can’t come onto school property to drop off and pick up and I have to ask all Nursery, P1 and 2 parents to wear a face covering on school property (unless exempt) and to maintain 2m distancing from others not in their household. I also need to ask that you leave the grounds promptly after drop off and pick up and not to make use of the grounds socially. I am hopeful this will ease soon.


Change to Covid absence reporting: From Monday 21st March, all Covid absences should be reported like any other absence, by  calling the school office (01334 659445) or by email to wormitps.enquiries@fife.gov.uk. There is no need to contact me separately. You must still tell us if your child has tested positive for Covid and we will still issue Warn and Inform emails. All school email addresses are now only checked during office hours on school days and if you email the school or me you will only get a response during office hours and on school days. I am grateful for your support over this. Kind regards, Lucy Jess