Weekly Information – 25th February 2022

Rugby Tasters

P4-7 children will be having a rugby taster session on 11th March – please send them with outdoor PE kit on that day. These sessions have been organised by Active Schools.


P1 Enrolment – Final Reminder

Please enrol your child by the end of the day on Monday using this form: Enrol a child into Primary 1 | Fife Council You must enrol your child even if they already attend our nursery.


World Book Day – Reminder

P1-7  will be celebrating World Book Day on the 3rd March 2022. All children will take part in fun activities in school to promote a love of books and reading.  We are not having a dress up day because we want the focus to be on the reading activities and because we are going to be dressing up on 18th March for Comic Relief. We recognise that not all families find a dress up day easy and so prefer not to have two in one month. We are opting for the Comic Relief dress up day as it is an easier one to find a costume for! Nursery Staff will confirm on Seesaw what their children are doing on this day.


Big Park – Reminder

Now that the weather is brightening up, the P1-7 children will begin accessing Big Park again at lunchtimes. From 28th February onwards, lunchtime play will always be on Big Park unless it is too wet and muddy. All children should come to school wearing shoes that are appropriate for outdoor play on tarmac and grass. They will stay in these all day but change into indoor trainers or gym shoes for PE.  We are not currently changing shoes routinely as not every class has a cloakroom space (due to Covid).