Weekly Information 14th January 2022

Happy New Year and Welcome to the first Information Sheet of 2022.

Message from Active Schools

As you may know Active Schools provide a range of opportunities for children to participate in sport and physical activities before school, during lunchtime and after school. We also provide opportunities and activities with local sports clubs and activity providers evenings, weekends and during school holidays and in-service days.

If you would like to receive and keep up to date with these activities and programmes please sign up to our newsletter here.

Kind regards

Madison Garland Active Schools


 Destination Judo Introductory Offer (sent by Active Schools)

Destination Judo is the biggest junior judo school in the UK. Over the years, and with the support of Active Schools, we’ve established a very successful network of judo clubs in Fife.   We’d like to announce a special New Year offer for families in Fife:  a starter package of 1 month’s free judo in January, for all of our clubs in Fife.  The offer will run throughout January allowing kids to try out our sport  with no commitment. Triallists can wear tracksuits bottoms and t-shirts to start – and we’ll supply everything else they need.At the end of the block, they’ll be offered the chance to enrol and, on enrolment, will qualify for a free judo kit worth £40.Please find out more about our clubs and our sport on www.destinationjudo.com. The site also has our contact details. When booking in please state that you want to take advantage of this Active Schools offer. Looking forward to seeing you soon!

Destination Judo Team

0131 467 9054



Community News

The page on the website has been updated: Wormit Primary School | Wormit Primary School, Flass Road, DD6 8NL (glowscotland.org.uk)


Nursery Enrolments

Nursery Enrolments for session 2022-23 are now live. More information is available here: Starting Nursery | Wormit Primary School (glowscotland.org.uk)


Primary 1 Enrolments

Primary 1 Enrolments for session 2022-23 go live on Monday 17th. More information is available here: Starting P1 in August 2022 | Wormit Primary School (glowscotland.org.uk). You have to enrol your child for P1 even if they attend our Nursery – they don’t move on automatically.


Covid Information

I am keeping the Covid procedures page on the website up to date with changing information. I hope it will prove a useful reference point for parents and staff.: Covid-19 Procedures | Wormit Primary School (glowscotland.org.uk)