Weekly Information -17th December 2021

As this will be the last weekly information of 2021, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all well for the festive season and thank you for your support of the school throughout this difficult year. The staff and I have appreciated and been bolstered by the kind messages of support we have received from so many parents and I have been overwhelmed by how understanding people have been of the difficult context we are working in.  I have copied a note of the remaining Christmas events below and I will look forward to seeing everyone back at school on 6th January 2022. Kind regards, Lucy Jess


Message from Active Schools

There is an opportunity for our pupils to take part in Junior Saints next block of sessions. These sessions are priced at £75 for 5 weeks of coaching, with a reduced rate for pupils of Staff at the university of St Andrews. I have attached the promotional posters and the booking link.
These sessions will start on 10/01/2022


P1-7 Changing for PE

P1 to 7 children will begin changing for PE again next term. From January onwards, please send your child with the following kit on their PE days:

– t-shirt

– shorts

– jogging bottoms (or similar)

– clean gym shoes or trainers (for indoor wear only)

The class pages on the website tell you which day yours child’s PE days are or you can put it in their bag each Monday and leave it there for the week, washing it at the weekend.



P1-7 parents, please note the following dates:

Parties will be held on these days:

Monday 20th – P5

Tuesday 21st – P1 and P1/2

Wednesday 22nd – P3 and P4

Your child can come in party clothes on their party day – please make sure they also have a warm layer and their coat. There will be party food served, please make sure you have informed us of any dietary requirements.

21st December: Children will watch the Christmas Concert in school and it will come home electronically.

22nd December – last day of term for all staff and pupils – term 3 start on 6th January.



Parents will get information about Christmas events through Seesaw. Nursery children will also be involved in the concert with P1-7.  22nd December is also the last day of term. We will look forward to seeing you back on 6th January.