Weekly Information – 30th August 2024

Anti-Bullying Work

We have been working on the development of our anti-bullying policy which I will share with you in draft form for your comments in the next week or so.

All term we will be focussing on anti-bullying at assembly.

Last week we discussed firmly telling someone if they do something you don’t like and seeking help from an adult if they don’t stop. We also discussed THINK before you speak: is what you are about to say True, Helpful, Inspiring Necessary and Kind – if its not, will you say it? This also applies to sending messages! Click here to see the visual we use in school. 

This week we have discussed how our school values link to anti-bullying. Click here to see the visual we use in school.

After P1-7 Assembly I spoke to the Nursery children about our school value of friendship and the importance of being Kind, Gentle and Helpful to keep everyone safe and happy at Nursery.

PE Kit Reminder

I sent home details about your child’s PE days last week. With regards to their kit, they should bring shorts (thigh length) or jogging trouser, a t-shirt and a hoody/fleece if needed.

We do not have a PE uniform, this is to keep the costs down for parents but please note the following is not allowed for PE:

  • Team colours, this includes any sport and any team. If your child supports or belongs to a team, they should not bring that clothing for PE. I have explained to the children today that this is because they are not playing in a team during PE lessons.
  • Vest tops, crop tops or very short shorts. I have explained to the children that this is to avoid sunburn or sore falls in the hall.
  • Inappropriate slogans. If possible send plain clothes for PE – colour doesn’t matter.
  • In line with our social media and mobile phone policy, after Christmas, no items branded with online games or apps can be worn for PE – this includes Minecraft, Roblox, Tik Tok etc

If your child has hair long enough to be tied back, please send them to school with it tied back on PE days. Older children can bring a bobble as long as they do tie it back for the lesson. All jewellery should stay at home on PE days to be safe as it must be removed for the lesson. This includes earrings. If your child can take their earrings in and out themselves then can wear them to school but must remove them. If they can;t manage that, the should leave their earrings at home. If it is the first few months after having them pierced so they can’t remove them, please send them in with tape so that they can cover them for safety.

I have also reminded the children at assembly today that earrings should be studs (or stud sized) for school – no hoops or dangles please.

We are grateful for your support over this.


Dates for the Year

These will come out next week electronically and a paper copy will be sent home with all children.


Summer Reading Challenge

It’s not too late!

Newport Library is open tomorrow from 10-1pm. If your child has finished reading their six books, they can collect their medal and certificate and get entered into our finishers prize draw to win one of seven £20 Amazon vouchers or an author visit to the school during Book Week Scotland!

If your child did complete the reading challenge, please encourage them to bring their medal into school so that we can celebrate their success.


Borrow Audio Books Online for Free

Listening to audio books is a great way to explore stories as a family. Fife Libraries provide audio books for free through the Libby App. Click here for more details.



Message from Active Schools

Active Schools are currently running a volunteer recruitment drive within the Madras College Cluster, in which we are looking for volunteers to support us in the delivery and support of Extra Curricular sporting activity.
As you may be aware Active Schools Fife aim to provide more quality opportunities to take part in sport  and physical activity before, during lunchtime and after the school day and develop effective pathways between schools and sports clubs in the local community. We are currently striving to recruit volunteers both with or without experience in sport within the Madras College Cluster.
It is important to us to have volunteers input into your school where appropriate to provide a sense of belonging within the school and community.
This year we aim to:
– Increase the number of extra-curricular opportunities within our cluster schools.
– Consider targeted provision that best suits your schools needs.

Could you be a volunteer?

There are a number of different roles volunteers can carry out. These include – coaching, assisting the delivery of activity sessions, supporting events, refereeing, admin, marketing and mini bus driving. Training and support will be provided and volunteers with Active Schools have opportunities to learn new skills, gain experience and often qualifications. You can decide how often you would like to volunteer, we are flexible in our approach and we will work around your availability.
If you have a keen interest in a specific sport or just sport in general please fill out the below application form to begin your volunteering journey at your local primary school or at Madras College.



Thank you,
Madison Garland
Active Schools Coordinator
Madras College Cluster
e: madison.garland@fife.gov.uk