Weekly Information – 6th December 2024

Mrs Mitchell

We are happy to welcome Mrs Mitchell to our schools on Monday 9th December. She is very much looking forward to meeting everyone in our school communities!

P4-7 Show

‘The Greatest Show’ has now fully sold out for both performances. We are looking forward to sharing the show with P4-7 parents on Tuesday at 2pm and Thursday at 6pm.

Car Parking

Please do not use the staff car park for parking, drop-offs or pickups. We are aware the area around the school can be difficult for space but staff have been unable to access the car park at times in recent weeks.

Thank you to everyone who has been able to contribute to the cost of the M&M  performance of Snow White in the school hall.

We are asking for a donation of £6 per child towards the cost of hiring M&M. If you haven’t yet, please pay for your child when you are able by using the ipayimpact fund called ‘M&M Panto’ – the fund will stay open until the date of the performance (17th December). All pupils Nursery-P7 will attend the show whether or not their parents can contribute. The remaining cost will be met from school fund. Please contribute if you can so that school fund stays healthy for other activities!