Weekly Information – 3rd May 2024

Message from Active Schools

I wanted to share this brilliant opportunity that Fife AC are offering our young people to participate in a series of running events:




The PSA team have been doing great work with the children listening to what would make the playground better. This week we have invested £200 from school fund to get picnic blankets and cushions to make spaces for children to sit and chat and from Monday, P6/7 children will be running lunchtime clubs for P1-4 children – Art, Rubik’s Cube, Lego and Board Games will run each day Monday-Thursday and we will still have mix-up Fridays (where everyone can play in all parts of the playground). We have more plans and Parent Council have kindly donated £300 to help us get more seating in place to help make the playground feel a more sociable space.


P1-7 Next Week

All children have been busy working on a communication topic and are ready to show off their learning.


May Holiday – school is closed to pupils and staff

Tuesday and Wednesday

Open days: children will be dismissed as usual. Parents are welcome to drop in from 3.15 until 4.15 to look around all P1-7 classes to look at the displays of work. Come to the main reception door and then make your way upstairs using the main stairwell. There will be no access to nursery, cloakrooms or pupil toilets as they will be getting cleaned. The POD doors will be open and all parents are invited to go in to see the P1’s learning displays. There are toilets in the P5/6 area which can be used if needed. We are really looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible in school.


Inservice Day – school and nursery closed to pupils


No uniform day. Children can come to school wearing clothes of their choice but no pyjamas, cropped tops, vest tops or high heels pleases. And no team colours or inappropriate slogans. Through the week, the children will choose a communication charity to support from the no uniform day. We will let you know the charity once it is chosen. Please send your child with a coin donation if you can. Depending on the charity the children choose, there ay also be the chance to contribute electronically.

The House Quiz for P4-7 children will be held in the afternoon – the questions will be on the theme of communication so the more carefully the children read the displays when looking round with their class and with you, the better the chance of their team doing well in the Quiz!


Dates for the rest of term

Monday 3rd June – School Holiday

Friday 7th June – P1-7 Sports Day at 1.30 – parents invited to watch

Tuesday 11th, Wednesday 12th and Thursday 13th June – P7s on three-day Transition visit to Madras

Tuesday 18th June – Nursery Sports Day at 10am – parents invited to watch

If the planned Sports Days are wet, the back up for P1-7 is Monday 10th/Friday 14th. The back up for Nursery is Wed 19th or Friday 21st. The times will stay the same.

Wednesday 19th June – P7 Show at 6.30pm – all P7 parents are invited

Friday 21st June – P1-7 and pre-school Nursery Children bringing reports home

Friday 28th June

– Last day of term

– End of Year Service at 9.30am in the Church.* All P1-7 pupils will attend with their teacher. All parents are welcome to join us. Nursery parents can bring their child with them.