Weekly Information – 15th September 2023

Dates Next Week

Monday 18th September – P1 and 7 dental checks

Monday 18th September  – P1-3 having a Youth Music Initiative Workshop

Thursday 21st September – P1-7 Flu Vaccinations

P1-6 Seesaw

The class journals will go live next week.

You will receive an email when your child’s journal is ready.

Medication in School

In line with Fife Council medication procedures we are now unable to administer medicines which do not have a pharmacist’s label clearly stating the required dose to be taken. Any medication which would need to be administered during the school day will require an administration of medicine form to be completed and a pharmacist’s label attached. Just as a reminder medicines of this type can be acquired through minor ailments at the pharmacist.

Toys and other items from home

Our school rule is that no toys should come into school from home. It can lead to mix ups and upsets.

Show and Tell: If your child’s teacher wants them to bring something in from home they will put a message on Seesaw so that you know your child is allowed to bring something that day. If there hasn’t been a message on Seesaw, your child is not to bring a toy in, even if they say it is to show.

Fidget items: a few children benefit from having a fidget item at certain times of the day. If this is the case, we will provide them with one in consultation with you. No child needs to bring a fidget toy in from home and we ask that you do not allow your child to do so.

Personal achievements: if your child wins a trophy, medal or certificate outside of school, they are welcome to bring it into school to show the class so they can celebrate their achievement. They are also welcome to share achievements in class even if there is nothing to show – for example you don’t get a certificate when you learn to ride your bike but it is definitely an achievement worth sharing! We love to learn about what the children do out of school. Parents can email me at lucy.jess@fife.gov.uk to share achievements and I will forward onto the class teacher.

Names on school clothing

Please can you make sure all items of school clothing are named – we can’t return lost property other wise.