Weekly Information – 18th August 2023

P1-7 Flu Vaccination

Your child has brought a letter home about this, please complete the form and return it to school by Friday 24th August. You should complete it even if you don’t want your child to have the vaccine because it means the NHS know your wishes – you can with hold consent on the form. Your child will not receive the vaccine in school unless you return the form giving consent. The date for the vaccines is Thursday 21st September.


Instrumental Instruction

If your child is in P7, they will carry on with their instrument from last year – the lessons are continuing on Tuesdays.

If your child is in P6, they have brought home a letter about instruments this week. Next week the instrumental instructors will do some work with the class to assess the children’s aptitude for an instrument and some children will be offered the chance to learn woodwind or piano. Not all children can be offered this chance and it is helpful if parents can explain to them to help avoid disappointment. All children have been working on recorder and this will continue.


P6/7 Lunches

Please remember that if your child is in P6 or 7 there is not a universal free school lunch. Unless your child is registered for means tested free school meals/clothing grant/fee milk, you need to pay for their lunch through iPayImpact. Please contact the office if you need help with this.


School Tranpsort

If your child is registered for School Transport but is not getting the bus home, please inform the school office so that we know not to look for them at the end of the day for the bus. This will help us get everyone registered and onto the bus quickly.


Out of School Club

If your child attends Out of School Club, Please drop them off and sign them in at the door into the room from the top playground. After school, all P1s attending the club are collected from the Pod. The P2-7s are met by staff at the door the P2-4s come out of and registered before being taken up to the room. This means the children are quickly gathered and a check made in good time that all are present. If your child is not attending on a certain day, please please make sure Ish and the team know. Thanks for your help with this.


Annual Data Check

Your child will bring home a data check and general permissions form next week. Please complete and return these as quickly as possible so that we know your up to date contact details and wishes for your child.


Sent on behalf of Gilbert Valentine

Gilbert’s Community Saturday Football sessions restart tomorrow.  Please click here to find out the details.


Sent on behalf of the library service

The Summer Reading Challenges runs until 26th August


Sent on behalf of the Scottish Covid-19 Inquiry

Let’s Be Heard is seeking to hear from students and staff across Scotland during our national engagement period, which runs until 31st October 2023. This includes students with additional support needs. Click here to find out more:Let’s Be Heard Information Sheet