Weekly Information – 24th March 2023

Ardroy Residential

P7 are currently on their way back from their trip to Ardroy. I will keep their parents up to date with arrival timings and I am sure they will have many tales from the week as well as plenty of dirty washing!

Drinks in Packed Lunch Boxes

Please don’t include a high sugar drink in your child’s lunchbox. Juice or dilute squash is allowed but you should not include a fizzy drink or an energy drink.

Sponsored Run

P1-7 Sponsored Run will be held on Wednesday 29th March at the following times:

P1-3 at 10am
​P4&5 at 1.30pm
P6&7 at 2.15pm
You are welcome to join us on big Park to watch your child run.
Please use the Just Giving page to sponsor the team if you can and share it with family and friends.

On Wednesday 29th March, P1-7 should come to school wearing running kit and trainers – no need for uniform.

Church Service

On Thursday 30th March, all P1-7 children will go to the Church for our Spring Service. Parents are welcome to join us there for a 9.30 start – please use the pews at the back. If any Nursery parents would like their child to attend, they are welcome to bring them along and then drop them back to Nursery afterwards.

Thursday 30th is the last day of term – we will look forward to seeing everyone back at school on 17th April.

Last Orders for Milk

If you want your child to have milk in school in Term 4, please order and pay through iPayImpact before this term ends or contact Lisa in the office for help to do so.