Weekly Information – 9th December 2022

Items for the Office

If you need to hand something into the office, you can place it in the plastic box which is now outside the door. This will save you needing to ring the bell and wait for an answer or join a queue if it is a busy time. If you need to speak to someone, still ring the door and we will help. The box is for those dropping something off. It will be monitored and brought in regularly.


Christmas Dates

The Christmas Lunch will be on 15th December – your child does not need to wear uniform that day, they can come in a Christmas Jumper (or another favourite jumper).

Click here for all other dates – please check you know when your child’s performances and party are.

Thank you to everyone who has been in touch this week to let us know how much their child enjoyed the panto – it was a wonderful day and I am grateful to all the staff for their hard work in making it happen.