Weekly Information 28th October 2022

P1-7 Parent-Teacher Meetings November 2022

The system is now live for you to book your child’s appointments. The information about how to do that is available here. If you would like to meet your child’s teacher this term, you must book by end of the day on 9th November.


Toy Drive

The North East Fife Toy Drive is running again this year. Toy Drive collects  presents and gifts them to children whose parents or carers will struggle with the cost of Christmas this year. Donations can be dropped off at a variety of points including Wormit Primary School. If any parent wants to donate but can’t make it to Wormit, feel free to drop off at Balmerino and I can take it down for you. There is more info here: Toy Drive Poster.

If your family might struggle financially this Christmas, please contact me in confidence and I will arrange to refer you to Toy Drive – lucy.jess@fife.gov.uk 


P1 Health Checks

Just a reminder that these are on Thursday of next week (3rd). Don’t forget to return your child’s form.



A huge thank you to the Parent Council for organising the parties on Wednesday – what a lovely evening for everyone! P1-7 children are invited to bring a costume in on Monday to wear in the afternoon.


Tempest Photographer

The photographer will be in school on Friday 4th November to take individual and Sibling photos. All children will have their photo taken unless you contact me at lucy.jess@fife.gov.uk to request they don’t or if you have previously withheld permission for photos. There is no obligation to buy. If your child is in Nursery but does not usually attend on a Friday and you would like their photo to be taken, you can bring them to school between 8.15 and 8.45 to get that done. If you would like a younger sibling included in the sibling photo, you can bring all your children to school between 8.15 and 8.45 to get that photo taken. The nursery/school aged children will then get their individual photo taken in school time.