Please book your Parents Evening Appointment by 3pm on 9th November 2022

You are now invited to make appointments for the school’s next parent-teacher meetings. These will be held Face to Face in School not by video call. We are using the Parents Evening Booking system to allow you to choose your appointment but we will not be using the video call system as we did when Covid Restrictions were in place.


Parent Teacher Appointments will be held on:

Tuesday 15th November – 6-8pm

Thursday 17th November – 4-6pm

Wednesday 23rd November 6-8pm


Each appointment is 10 minutes long – this is an opportunity to meet your child’s teacher and discuss their progress. It is not long enough to raise new concerns or issues. If there is anything causing you concern, please contact me in advance rather than saving it until the meeting and we will do the same.


To make your appointments please login at: Parents Evening Booking System


To login you will need to enter your name, your child’s name ([First Name] [Last Name]) and your child’s date of birth. The login details you enter must match those we have on record for you.


Appointments are available to book until 15.00 on 9th Nov 2022. If you want to meet with your child’s teacher this term, you must book by then.


After you have made your appointments you can choose to print or e-mail confirmation. When the day of your appointment comes, please come to the front door of the school five minutes before your first appointment is due to begin. I am looking forward to welcoming you as you arrive and will direct you to the classroom to meet your child’s teacher.


If you cannot login please contact the school office.

N.B. The email address field on the login page is only used to send your appointment confirmation. If you have problems logging in, it will not be because of the e-mail address you entered. If you would like some detailed instructions on how to use Parents Booking, you can download a guide by clicking here. Please disregard the section on joining the video call as you are only using the system for booking.

The system will only allow you to book one appointment per child and time only allows for one appointment per child (except in exceptional circumstances). If both parents can’t attend together, we ask that one attends and the other feeds back to them. If one face to face meeting doesn’t work for your family, please get in touch with me to discuss.

With thanks for your support,

Lucy Jess