The Term Ahead

Foodbank donation

All children are invited to bring a donation for the Wormit Foodbank at the start of this term, following on from our harvest message of sharing. Please send your donation in before the end of the week.


Christmas Cards

At the start of this week, your child will bring home their Christmas Card design again. This is yours to keep now. If you want to order cards, please scan the QR code and you will be able to do so.


P1-7 Parent-Teacher Appointments

Parent Teacher Appointments will be held on:

Tuesday 15th November – 6-8pm

Thursday 17th November – 4-6pm

Wednesday 23rd November 6-8pm

All appointments will be face to face in school. Information about booking your appointment will come out soon.


Annual Data check and General Permissions

If you didn’t return these forms last term, please do so as soon as possible. The school office will be in touch with you if we don’t have them by the end of this week to see if they can help.


Inservice Day

Friday 18th November – school and nursery closed to pupils.


Whole School Trip to Panto at the Rothes Hall (Cinderella): Wednesday 7th December

Please make your £10 contribution per child, if you can, by the 28th November. You can pay electronically via iPayImpact or contact Miss Sivewright if you need help to do this.



We know some parents found the volume of emails high at the end of last term. We try hard to send information in one communication like this when we can. The volume was higher than usual at the end of term because I felt there were a number of things that required action and which it might be helpful to have in a separate email with the item in the subject line. But I recognise that this did not work for all our families and I apologise that this was the case.  More details about how we contact you and how you can contact us can be found here.


Halloween Disco

Don’t forget the Parent Council Halloween Disco is on Wednesday of this week. Details are in the email sent on Tuesday 4th October.


Tempest Photographer

The photographer will be in school on Friday 4th November to take individual and Sibling photos. All children will have their photo taken unless you contact me at to request they don’t or if you have previously withheld permission for photos. There is no obligation to buy. If your child is in Nursery but does not usually attend on a Friday and you would like their photo to be taken, you can bring them to school between 8.15 and 8.45 to get that done. If you would like a younger sibling included in the sibling photo, you can bring all your children to school between 8.15 and 8.45 to get that photo taken. The nursery/school aged children will then get their individual photo taken in school time.


Dates for the Year

Just a reminder that dates for the year are available here. There will need to be a change to Sports Day to accommodate the dates we now have for P7 Transition to Madras and this will be updated as soon as possible.


Lucy Jess