Weekly Information – 2nd September

Football Match

There will be a match between Balmerino and Wormit on Wednesday 7th at 4pm on the pitch at Gauldry. Gilbert Valentine has chosen the Wormit team and you will have received an advice note if your child was selected. Gilbert is responsible for the Wormit team – this has not be logged by the school as an outing and all enquires about transport or arrangements should be made to him. I will be at the match for the full time and an looking forward to cheering both teams on! All Wormit families are welcome to come up to Gauldry to spectate.



Don’t forget to send your potato photos in by 1st October. They can be sent in either via the Parent Council Facebook page or to Wormitparent@gmail.com If you’ve already harvested and cooked your potatoes and didn’t take pictures, you can still tell Parent Council about your harvest, location/container and your potato recipe. Only photos shared on Facebook or sent to the Parent Council email address will be included in the competition – if you have also sent photos to a school email address, please re-send to Parent Council to make sure they have it. If you have recently joined the school and/or haven’t grown your own potatoes, you can still join in by sharing a potato recipe and picture of your dish.