Weekly Information – 3rd December 2021

Wednesday 8th December

If your child is going to have a Christmas Lunch, you must order by today using the iPayImpact system. The lunch is on 15th December but we need orders by 8th. If you don’t order by 8th, your child will need to bring a packed lunch on 15th even if they usually take a school lunch.

Christmas Parties

Here is a note of your child’s party day. They should come to school wearing their party clothes on that day. Please make sure they also have a warm layer and their coat.

Primary 6 – Thursday 16th December

Primary 7 – Friday 17th December

Primary 5 – Monday 20th December

Primary 1 and 2 – Tuesday 21st December

Primary 3 and 4 – Wednesday 22nd December

Info about the Nursery Party will come directly from the team.


P1-7 Christmas Concert

All primary classes are preparing a song for a school concert. The song will be filmed and all songs shared with all parents electronically so that you can enjoy the concert at home together. We will also (weather permitting) gather the children outside so that they can each hear each others’ songs. We are not going to invite parents to an outdoor event because it would be impossible for everyone to see and hear due to the continued need for 2m social distancing on school grounds and due to the unpredictability of the weather, it might not be possible to go ahead anyway. Once the spring weather comes, we will hope to start inviting you to outdoor eventsĀ  once again.


Christmas Woodland Club

I am advertising this on behalf of Chris Childe.