Weekly Information – 26th November 2021


We now have a voicemail system on the school phone and may use it at times of day when the office can’t be manned or when it is particularly busy. If you get the voicemail, please leave a message and know that it will be quickly picked up. We will call you back if needed but if you are phoning to pass on information, e.g. to report and absence we will note it and only call back if you have requested we do so.


Playground Charter

Over the course of several terms, we have been working with the children on ensuring our playground is a safe and happy place. This work started after the return from lockdown in March when we found that the children were finding it hard to settle back into playground routines. It was in response to our own observations and to parental feedback that children were finding the playground a wee bit rough and noisy. We had a series of assemblies and each class worked on establishing their own expectations for their playground space. Since August, we have been able to open up the bubbles and children are now mixing with other classes outside, meaning that we need a common charter and shared expectations across the school. Mr Rose has taken the lead on this work through assemblies and all children have had a chance to share their ideas of what they think our playground should look like. We have also listened to parental voice particularly with regards to rough play and berries.  The result of this work is our charter which you can view here: Playground Charter. This week has been the first week since the charter was launched and I have been pleased to see lots of lovely play in the playground – the children are playing a range of active games as well as being able to take quiet space if they would like.  Moving forward, the charter will support us to maintain our high expectations around playground behaviour, keep playtimes safe and fun and it will be a useful reference to new staff who are supporting the children outside and secure a consistent approach. I would welcome any parental feedback on the charter – lucy.jess@fife.gov.uk


Staying Warm in School

We still have children in the upper school wearing coats inside to keep warm because they are wearing shorts and don’t have an extra jumper with them. I would prefer children to keep their coats for outside as I am not sure they are comfortable for class, particularly if they get damp. Please can you check your child has a school jumper and a second thick jumper everyday as well as their coat. It is up to you, as a parent whether you insist on long trousers/tights. but my advice is that we can’t keep the areas warm enough for bare legs to be suitable in the winter months. On a Friday, children attending cross country do not need to wear shorts all day. They can run in joggers or tracksuits trousers. If they wish to run in shorts, they can change into them at 3pm.



We have said goodbye to Mr McCarthy today as he takes up his new post at Newport PS on Monday. Our loss is their gain. Mrs Rice will join us from Monday 6th December having been successful at interview. Mrs Walker, as you know, will leave at the Christmas holidays as she starts her retirement and her post will be filled by Mrs Henderson.


House Quiz

P4-7 had great fun at the House Quiz this afternoon. Well done to all and particularly to the House Captains who took a lead role:

Woodhaven – 50 points

St Fort – 51 points

Flass – 56 points

Newton – 61 points


Christmas Event in Perth

I have been sent details of this event in Perth to share. The message from the organisers is:

Christmas Wonderland at Perth Riverside. The trail promises festive fun for families and takes place between 10th – 23rd December at Norie Miller Walk. Santa will be there in person each night, so that everyone can meet Santa at no additional cost, guaranteeing that Christmas feeling. Click here for an event map to show the range of beautiful and fun Christmas installations: Christmas Wonderland Event Map 2021_3  There is a discount code –  FIFESCHOOLS10 it offers a 10% discount on tickets. Discount code will apply to tickets purchased before 8 December (code excludes Saturdays). Be quick to get yours before they run out! More information about the event and to book tickets, check out the website www.perthchristmaswonderland.co.uk