Weekly Information – 5th November 2021

In-service Day

Just a reminder that the school will be closed to all pupils (Nursery-P7) on Friday 12th November for the in-service day. Staff are taking part in training on Body Image, supporting children with autism and sensory difficulties and we will be carrying work out on developing our progressive pathway documents.


Here is a letter from the food bank following our recent collection: Foodbank

Parent Teacher Interviews

If you received a final reminder yesterday and haven’t yet made your appointment, please do so by end of day today. No further appointments will be able to be made after today. The teachers are looking forward to meeting you at your appointment.

11th November

We will respect a 2 mins silence in school and all children will be given a poppy to wear if they would like. We invite you to send a coin in with your child for them to put in the Poppy Appeal box on 11th.

Bonfire Night and Diwali

Lots of our children have learnt about Bonfire Night and Diwali this week. We had a focus on firework safety at assemblies on Tuesday and P4 have made beautiful rangoli patterns in the playground: