November Parent-Teacher Meetings (P1-7)

It is unlikely restrictions will change to allow us to invite parents into school for these meetings so they will be held virtually. Information about signing up for an appointment will follow, early next week.

The appointments will be held on these dates and times:

Tuesday 9th November 3.30 – 5.30pm

Thursday 11th November 3.30-5.30pm

Wednesday 17th November 3.30-5.30pm

At this point, we can’t offer meetings later than 5.30pm due to the need to ensure the building is cleaned after staff leave. Staff need to be in the building to conduct the meetings so that technical support is on hand and so that you can contact us if you experience difficulty accessing the call.

We will be using the The Parents Evening Booking System as our main platform for these virtual meetings. This system automatically pulls your details through via Groupcall to set the meetings up, minimising admin workload.

Please note that it is only possible to log in to Parents Evening Booking system on one device so we do ask that wherever possible parents take the meeting together or one feeds back to the other.

The bulk of our families will use Parents Evening Booking system for their meeting but we recognise that some families may need a different arrangement so that all parents are involved and we can help – either by using Teams or by setting up two meetings. We can also use Teams where a parent needs to meet with two teachers for any reason. If the technology doesn’t work for you, we can use phone call for your conversation with your child’s teacher. If you need an alternative arrangement, please contact me at at the start of next week (beginning 25th October 2021). I would ask parents to be mindful that there is an additional workload for admin staff and teachers in setting up an alternative arrangement and only request one where strictly necessary but we are very pleased to help where it is needed.

We can’t make any use of Zoom as it is not GDRP compliant.

Please don’t worry if you haven’t used Parents Evening Booking system before or if you can’t remember what to do, full instructions will come out next week. This is just an early reminder of dates and confirmation of the process.