Weekly Information – 24th September 2021

Big Park

Over the last week and a half, the children have enjoyed time playing on Big Park. As some parents have contacted me about this, I would like to clarify a couple of points. We don’t have enough staff to allow the children to choose between playing on the tarmac or playing on Big Park, we need to either have them all on the tarmac or all on Big Park to allow for proper supervision. In the first few weeks of term, they were playing on the Tarmac, this was to allow everyone to get into a proper routine at the start of term and while we were easing mitigations and opening up the class bubbles. At playtime, the children only have 15 minutes to eat their snack and we do like them to use this time to go to the toilet and so time does not make it worth going down to Big Park. But we are now making regular use of Big Park at lunchtimes and this will continue whenever the weather and underfoot conditions allow.  I have been grateful to the parents who have offered feedback about the use of Big Park and want to reassure you that we recognise the benefits of outdoor play in this wonderful space and know that this is something our pupils and parents value.


Fundraiser Today

Thank you to all who have supported our fundraiser today. We have raised £219 for MacMillan Cancer.


Matchbox Competition

The due date has changed to Friday 8th October. I look forward to counting your objects!