Weekly Information – 27th August 2021

Class Pages

Each class now has their own page on the school website. This has information for parents about homework, PE days etc and shows a photo of your child’s learning environment. Please read the pages that apply to your family so that you have this information. You can follow these links or use the menu above.









Dates for the Year

We are all hoping that this year will be more predictable than last and so we have set as many dates as we can for the school year. This includes arrangements for P1-7 Parent/Teacher interviews. These dates are now available on the calendar page of the website which you can reach using the menu above or follow this link:


Restrictions Easing

We are continuing to ease our restrictions on keeping classes separate and you will likely start to hear your child talking about playing with children from other classes over the coming week. Any parent who has concerns about this easement should contact Mrs Jess directly.

The majority of Covid mitigations remain in place and we do need to ask you to continue to be vigilant of symptoms in your household.  If your child develops any of the following symptoms they must not come to school. They and all other members of the family should stay at home as soon as their symptoms start, self-isolate, and take a PCR test. Find out more on NHS Inform. The symptoms of coronavirus (Covid-19) are:

  • a new continuous cough and/or
  • a high temperature and/or
  • a loss of, or change in, taste or smell (anosmia).

If you or your children test positive, Test and Protect will contact you to provide tailored advice on what to do. This advice is an extract from Fife Council’s FAQs on Schools and Covid.

Click here to read the full version of Fife’s FAQs on Schools and Covid

Message from the Office

Please return Data Capture Forms and General Permissions Forms as soon as possible. P1-7 Flu forms by 3rd September, please. Many thanks.

Saturday Football

Continues to run at Waterstone Crook. Information came home about this via email last week. We are grateful to Gilbert Valentine for his continued partnership with the school.

Saturday Rugby

Madrascals Rugby is back and looking forward to welcoming new members to their Saturday morning fun training sessions.  Led by teams of experienced and friendly coaches, everybody from P1 – P7 is welcome to come along.  Free taster sessions are being held at Station Park, the home of Madras Rugby Club, on Saturday 28 August and Saturday 4 September.  There is no need to book ahead, just turn up ready to play and have fun! The times for each session are:

P1 – P2 11:00 – 12:00

P3 – P7 10:30 – 12:00

Any questions should be directed to: madrascals.convenor@gmail.com