Friday 15th March

We have had a busy week organising and running the Book Fair. It has been a great success and it will help to buy lots of new books for our school.

In Numeracy, we have been learning about how to measure angles and accurately draw triangles. We have been revising finding % of amounts in our mental maths.

We enjoyed designing problem solving challenges for others to solve with the loose parts in our playground.

We held an interesting debate on whether phones should be used in schools. Most agreed they should but responsibly. We have written pieces of writing that include both sides of the debate.

In our topic work, we have been learning about the silent era in the history of film and learned about the iconic star Charlie Chaplin. We have created fact files and also developed our own mime skills in drama.

We have enjoyed exploring the theme of sea in our artwork as we prepare entries for the HMS Unicorn art competition.

In P.E, we have continued to develop our hockey skills and taken these into mini games. We have also been exploring creative dance in groups.

In Health and Wellbeing, we continued to look at peer pressure and the topic of vaping. We have made persuasive posters to encourage others not to vape.

In French, we have developed our listening and writing skills linked to weather and geography.

Today, we worked well with others in our committees with children from across the school.

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