Friday 1st March

It has been a busy week after our trip to Dalguise. We have spent this week preparing to share our learning with the rest of the school and our families on Monday 4th March.

We have also written recounts based on our experiences last week, using the correct layout.

In Numeracy, we have been using the Speed, distance, time formula to carry out calculations. We have also been revising finding fractions of amounts.

In P.E, we have been developing our skills in hockey and we have been working on creating sequences in groups in gymnastics.

We enjoyed exploring the work of Charles Rennie Mackintosh and we have created our own artwork of the rose based on his work.

We have continued to develop our Ukulele skills as we prepare to attend the Big Strum at the Rothes Halls in May.

It is the job of P7s to organise and run the book fair and we have created advertising for this to share around our school.

Well done to our quiz team of Harry, Niamh, Brodie and Harrison for representing P7 in the Rotary Quiz on Wednesday evening. They came first place and now go into the next round!

We helped lead our committee groups again today with pupils from across the school.

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