Friday 17th May

This week, we have started our new topic: Kidnapped! We are taking on the role of assisting the police to solve the crime of finding out who has taken two children. We have completed two missions so far and are building our evidence wall. We have also finished editing our films and will share them next week.

We had a visit from Madras and some of our former pupils, to help answer our questions about starting S1.

We are continuing to work on our end of session yearbook and we have begun work on our P7 Leavers’ show.

In Writing, we have completed diary entries based on the the main character in our class novel. This work will be shared with Madras, as part of our transition.

We have continued to explore factors and multiples and have also begun work on scale drawings in Maths.

We are almost ready to participate in the Big Strum and have been learning some of the more difficult songs to play on Ukulele.

In P.E, we have developed our skills in outdoor team sports and athletics.

We worked well with our buddies to explore food chains in our playground.

We have continued to explore changes in the human body and this week we have focused on changes in the female body.

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