Friday 10th May 2024

This week, 4 of our class attended the Goblin Kit Car Race at Cowdenbeath. They were very successful and won the portfolio prize, which showcased our journey to the race. They did well at the race too and lots of lessons learned to share with next year’s P7s.

In Numeracy, we have been exploring number properties – prime and square numbers, factors and multiples.

We chose a topic to write a procedure piece about this week and it was interesting to see the different topics; from cake-making to attending a musical.

In French, we have been working on our presentations. We have been developing our sign language skills this week too.

We have created lovely pieces of art based on birds from the Firth of Forth, lots of lovely puffins.

We have continued to develop our ukulele skills ready for the Big Strum in a couple of weeks.

This week, we have completed our films ready to share with our class next week.

In P.E, we have developed our skills within team sports and in H.W.B, we have been exploring changes to our bodies.

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