Friday 19th January

Another busy week of learning in P7!

We have been focusing on kindness as part of our learning in Health and Wellbeing and kind words we can use towards other.

In RME, we have been learning about Bar and Bat Mitzvah and have shared our learning in informative posters.

In Numeracy and Maths, we have continued to develop our understanding of data handling, including Venn Diagrams and mean, mode, median and range.

This week in writing, we have created interesting settings linked to WW2, focusing on our use of adjectives. We have been learning about rationing and the propaganda that was used during WW2.

We have been practising our Burns poems and have created illustrations to help us understand the meanings behind them.

In P.E, we have been developing our skills in Scottish Dance and also in gymnastics.

With our Buddies, we are taking part in the Big Birdwatch and and have observed the different types of birds we have found in our playground.

We are continuing to develop our skills in Ukulele, learning some Scottish songs.

In Science, we have started to explore Microbiology and its impact on humans. We have conducted an experiment by wiping bread on different surfaces and we will observe the results over the next week.

We all enjoyed taking part in the Skills Academy sessions today.

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