Friday 15th December

Well done to all P7s who shared a reading at Thursday’s Church Service.Today has been the last of our Festive Fridays and we have made some Christmas cards and decorations to take home.We also completed a STEAM challenge to create the longest paper chain we could out of 2 pieces of A4 paper. Lots of strategic thinking and creative ideas! Well done to Penny and Jasmine on creating the longest one.We enjoyed attending our Christmas party on Monday. We had lots of fun games and great dancing on display. We also enjoyed watching our buddies perform their Nativity this week.In writing, we have been creating Cinquain poetry based on Winter and then some of our own choice, looking at interesting verb and adjective use.We have been developing our skills in linking fractions to % and also finding % of amounts in our Numeracy work this week.In P.E, we have been developing our strategic thinking in team games. We have also peer assessed our ability to deal with emergencies in Health and Well-being.We have explored the difference between dictatorship and democracy in our topic and what like is like in countries without a democracy.We have watched a short film in French to develop our listening and understanding skills.

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