Friday 8th December

Today, we enjoyed making origami Christmas decorations for the gift bags that will go into the community.

We have also met with our committees for the final time this term to review our progress and set next steps.

In Drama, we acted out the case that we explored during Monday’s mock trial with a real life Procurator Fiscal. We enjoyed understanding how a real life court case works and also to find out about the role of a Procurator Fiscal and the skills they need. We have been developing our understanding of how laws are made and what happens if laws are broken. We also debated some possible new laws. We also gathered the results from our Mock Election, well done to the Preppy Party for winning by 1 vote! We used Excel to create Tables and Charts to show our results.

This week in Writing, we have created Haiku poems, focusing on Nature or Seasons.

In Numeracy, we have been further developing our skills in fractions.

We have been practising for the Christmas show in the Church, including reading parts of the Christmas story and learning traditional carols.

In Science, we have continued to learn about body systems.

We have been learning about classroom objects in French.

This week in RME, we have looked at different versions of the Christmas Story.

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