P3/4 Friday 2nd December 2022

Hello all,

Today has been our first ‘Festive Friday’ and we have made two big Christmas trees by making smaller trees that tessellate. We put lots of decorations on them and they look great. We have also cut snowflakes to decorate the background. It looks super.

In Numeracy, we have been adding multiples of 10 and then near multiples of 10. In Maths, we practised giving directions again using a map of St. Andrews.

In Literacy, we learnt about adverbs and wrote an adverb poem about our day. We also wrote an information report about different types of housing.

In Drama, we used our voices to make different noises and designed a machine with sound effects.

In PE, we have been working on our fitness with some different circuits and played a new game today called Scatter Rounders!

We have been practising our ukulele song for the Christmas Service and some of the songs we’ll be singing all together.

Today in French, we learnt the names of the things we would find in our pencil case!


Have a good weekend, everyone.

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