P3 Friday 1st December 2023

This week we have been learning we went on our walk in Newport. We spoke about some of the places we thought visitors would like to see in Newport and learnt a little bit of history about the train stations and train line. We planned our route to take in Berry’s Den and the old train bridge, the colourful bee house, Kinbrae Park and the site of the old Newport West Train Station. We marked our route on a map and followed it as we walked. We also had a checklist of things to try and spot.

We have started a Science topic about plants. We learnt what the different parts of a plant are and what their functions are. We have also learnt what a plant needs to grow and designed an experiment with cress seeds to try and prove this.

In Health and Wellbeing, we thought about how our family and friends support about wellbeing using the wellbeing indicators. We also thought about what qualities a good friend has a created a potion to make the ideal friend!

In Numeracy, we have been practising using split strategy as a way of adding two 2-digit numbers. Some children did some work on using column addition to add 2 3-digit numbers.

As part of our topic we chose to learn more about red squirrels. We practised taking notes as we learnt different facts about them and then used our notes to write an information text.

Today was our first Festive Friday and we made Christmas stockings inspired by a Fair Isle design.

P3 Friday 17th November 2023

This week we made a map of the school grounds. We had to work out what each thing was and then make a key to show them all. We used thee maps this afternoon to do a treasure hunt. Each thing was marked on the map and we had a grid reference for each one too. We had to work in our team to find each thing and get back to the classroom as quickly as possible. We also found places inside the school on a map using grid reference.

As part of Book Week Scotland, we read The Worry Tiger which is in our book bags. We learnt about being mindful. We drew tigers by following instructions. We then coloured them using oil pastels. They look great.

In Numeracy, some children did a Domino Challenge where they had to sort 4 dominoes so each side added up to the same. They also did some doubling of 2-digit numbers. Other children were revising adding numbers within 20 including some empty box questions.

As part of our Literacy learning, we did the Comprehension Box.

For our writing this week we watched Something Fishy and wrote a Diary Entry about it.

In French we learnt some classroom instructions. We then played Jacques a dit…which is the French version of Simon Says.

Today we went to our Committees and did different activities while we were there.

Also, as part of Book Week Scotland we joined a Live Book Event with author Robert Tregoning. He read us his new book called The Dress in the Window and we learnt a dance to go with it!

In Health and Wellbeing, we thought about the things we can be grateful for. By concentrating on the positive things in our lives we can feel better. We wrote two things that we were grateful for on leaves and have made a Tree of Gratitude for the classroom.

In PE, we had a hockey tournament and practised our football skills again.

In Literacy, we were writing questions using question words and question marks.

P3 Thursday 9th November 2023

This week we have been learning about onomatopoeia and wrote a poem using onomatopoeic words about Bonfire Night. We have written them up neatly and decorated them for a display. We also made firework images in Art using chalk and a little glitter!

We were learning about where Newport is. We learnt about the UK and found Scotland, Fife, Dundee and Newport on Google Maps. We had fun trying to travel from the school to our homes using Google Maps.

We shared information about ‘places of local interest’ and have found them on the map and put a pin in to show them.

We practised some football skills in PE. We learnt to control the ball and pass to a partner.

In Numeracy, we have been rounding to the nearest 10 in 2 and 3-digit numbers.

In Health and Wellbeing, we were learning about how to work out if something is a big deal or a little deal and what we can do about both. Something that needs an adult’s help is a big deal and there are lots of things that are important to share with an adult. We discussed that there are lots of things that we can sort out on our own or with a friend that are little deals. Sometimes we also just need to take a few deep breaths and shrug off a little deal. Macaroni the Mole taught us not to make a mountain out of a mole hill!

P3 Friday 3rd November 2023

This week we have written a pretend letter to a Grandpa. We were pretending to be a boy who had had a crazy dream about his Grandpa. We watched an animation about it. The letter had to say Dear Grandpa, have an introduction, say what happened and finish with an ending and Love from. We have been working on including openers, connectives, descriptive language and saying how we felt. We have started using coloured marking where we underline where we have used these different things.

In Numeracy, some of us have been rounding to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000. Some of us have been finding numbers on a number line, finding half way between 2 numbers and learning about place value.

Our new topic is Maps and Our Local Area. We have thought about what we like to learn. Sadly, we weren’t able to use Google Maps to explore where we live because the internet was down but will do it next week.

In Maths today, we learnt that maps have grids to make it easier to find things. We answered questions using grid reference on a pirate map. This morning we also designed our own treasure islands.

In French, we were learning what the seasons are and how to say what our favourite season is. We used PicCollage and ChatterPix on the iPads to show our learning.

In PE, we played games of hockey on Monday and started practising some rugby skills on Wednesday. We were learning how to hold and pass the ball.

On Monday, we planted our plant for Green Flag Day. We also planted some bulbs in the tubs outside our classroom.

In Art, we drew and coloured big pumpkins! We used chalk or oil pastels to colour them and used dark and light shades to show the curves. We then blended the shades using a cotton bud, paper towel or our fingers! They look fantastic and we have our very own pumpkin patch!

In Health and Wellbeing, we were learning that the way we think can affect the way we feel. We discovered that different children feel differently about different things. We learnt that we can ask ourselves 3 questions to try and help us think differently about things that happen to us and this might make us feel better. They are… Is the thought true? Is the thought helpful? and Is the thought kind? We made ‘Helpful Thinking Helmets’ to help us remember.

P3 Friday 6th October 2023

This week we have been learning about tattie howking! We made brilliant pictures to share in the Harvest Service. We weaved baskets using strips of paper and then painted potatoes to put in them. We have been practising for the Harvest Service. We hope you enjoyed it.

In Literacy, we learned about the features of an imagined diary entry. We found out that we needed to include Dear Diary, an introduction, what happened (in chronological order), an ending and Love from….  We pretended we were tattie pickers and wrote in our diaries about our day. We used a tick sheet to make sure we included all the things we needed to. We also had to try and use openers, connectives, describing words and how we felt. We underlined examples of each these things in a coloured pencil. We decided this was a helpful way of checking that we had included the things we needed to.

In Numeracy, we were adding and subtracting multiples of 10 (and 100 for some) to 3-digit numbers. Some children were working on place value riddles.

In Maths, we drew a bar chart to show the results of our survey about P3’s favourite colours in French!

In Science, we made a pairs game with the 5 food groups and examples of each of them. You had to match a food with the food group it comes from. We worked in pairs.

In PE, we learnt how to hold a hockey stick and how to pass the ball by ‘pushing’ it with the stick.

We enjoyed the Butterfly Hunt on Thursday. Joe and Perla were the only children in P3 to find any butterflies. Well done to you two.

Happy Tattie Holidays, everyone.


P3 Friday 29th September 2023

We used our wind socks to see which direction the wind was blowing in. It was very gusty and the wind was strong today. We thought it was a westerly wind.

In Maths, we drew bar charts to show the data that we collected last week about our favourite crisp flavours. We learnt about the x and y axis and how to label them.

In French, we all said our favourite colour and we recorded the results using a tally chart. Next week, we are going to put our results into a bar chart.

Today, we wrote a speech bubble for the part of the Learning Pit that our photograph is in. For example, ‘Yipee! I did it.’ and ‘I will try it.’

We have each been to our Committee today. In Health, children made up games to be more active. In Enterprise, they have made a Butterfly Hunt where each class has to find as many butterflies as they can. In Eco, we completed an environmental review in groups.

P3 Friday 22nd September 2023

This week we have written another story but this time it was about a little girl or boy’s dream. We had to use our imaginations to think of a character and setting and to make the story more detailed.

In Numeracy, we were counting forwards and backwards in 100s. Some children were learning about Place Value in 4-digit numbers.

In Maths we drew a pictogram to show P3’s favourite flavours of crisps.

In Health and Wellbeing, we used the Cool in School programme to learn about aggressive, weak and cool responses to problems we might face. We should always be trying to react in a cool way to the problems we face.

In French, we learnt some ways to talk about the weather. We learnt Il fait beau, Il fait chaud, Il fait froid and Il pleut!

In PE, we did a yoga session son Monday working on strength, balance and focus. On Wednesday we played adapted netball games with smaller teams and a smaller court.

With Miss Allan we read The Truth Pixie and learnt about The Boy Who Cried Wolf.

We have also been making Christmas cards that will be sent off to make into amazing cards that can be ordered. They look great!

P3 Friday 15th September 2023

This afternoon, we have been using the iPads to take photos of ourselves for the Learning Pit. We had to think about how we would be feeling at each stage and then show this using body language and facial expressions.

In Numeracy, we have been counting in 10s is 3-digit numbers. It is tricky when we have to cross over into a new hundreds number. For example, 10 more than 493 or 10 less than 609.

In Maths, we created a pictogram to display the results of our yes/no questions.

In Literacy, we wrote another story. This week, we had to create our own setting and character. We created a new world beyond an old creaking door in a forest. We were working on including description and adding more detail to make our stories longer and more interesting to read.

Today we started our new Committees. Each Committee spent some time welcoming everyone and thinking about what they would like to achieve this session.

In French, we revised colours and played a game to practise them. We learnt how to say what our favourite colour was – Ma couleur préférée est le jaune! We have also been saying the date every morning. We are getting very good at it!

As part of our Weather and Climate topic, we made wind socks. We tested the wind today. There was a very mild wind from the South West.

We spent time on Tuesday with the loose parts. We had to use the pieces that we had chosen to make the tallest tower. It was much more successful than the first time we did it because it was less windy. Miss Amy also noticed that groups were working better together and talking about how they could make their towers better.

In Music, we learnt to play the Open String Hoe Down on the ukulele. It was brilliant for a first go!

P3 Friday 8th September 2023

In Maths, we collected data for yes/no questions. We used a tally chart to record our data. We chose a question in our groups and then counted hands and recorded it in our charts. Next week we are going to put our results in a pictogram.

As part of our Science topic, we learnt about where food comes from. All food comes from living things. We found out how milk, bread and cheese are made and made a poster to show the different stages.

In French, we learnt the months of the year and went over numbers to 31. Then we were able to say when our birthday was – Mon anniversaire est le…

We have made rainfall gauges this week and we are going to record rainfall next week. We used a plastic bottle and used the bottle neck as a funnel. We put stones in the bottom so they won’t fall over. We are going to measure the rainfall in cms so marked cms up the side.

This week was our first week of spelling activities and had a spelling test today. We made our words with plasticine, did word searches and tested each other.

In Health and Wellbeing, we learnt about the Learning Pit. When we find our learning difficult we can end up in the Learning Pit where it can feel pretty rubbish and we feel like we’ve failed, but we were thinking different strategies for getting out of the Learning Pit and finding success. We drew our own Learning Pits and put speech bubbles for how we would be feeling at each stage.

In Literacy, we continued our learning on capital letters and full stops and this week, we wrote stories about a haunted house, a spaceship or a tree! They are all very exciting!

In PE, we were practising our shooting skills and how to move and bounce the ball at the same time.

In Drama, we acted out a scene from our book when the boy and the bear were playing i-spy! It was very funny!

P3 1st September 2023

This week we have been learning about the different seasons. We went outside this afternoon to look for signs of summer passing and autumn coming.

In Numeracy, we have been counting on from 100 to 1000 and working out missing numbers in sequences. We learnt about ‘before’ and ‘after’ and were able to find the numbers before and after a particular number. Some children have also been counting in 10s, 100s and 1000s beyond 1000.

With Miss Allan, we were learning about probability. We had to decide whether things were certain, likely, unlikely or impossible. For example, we decided that pigs might fly with their own wings is impossible!

In PE, we were learning to throw the ball in different ways. We learnt a shoulder pass, chest pass and a bounce pass.

We learnt about instruments that measure the weather. For example, a wind sock, a rainfall gauge and a weather vane. We have made a design for an instrument to measure a type of weather and will hopefully get to make some of them next week.

In Music, we learnt how pluck open strings on the ukulele. The strings are G, C, E and A.

In French, we have started learning how to say the date so we have been revising numbers to 20 and the days of the week.

With Miss Allan, we used Scratch Junior to practise some coding.

In Literacy, we have been learning about sentences and where to put full stops and capital letters.