P3 1st September 2023

This week we have been learning about the different seasons. We went outside this afternoon to look for signs of summer passing and autumn coming.

In Numeracy, we have been counting on from 100 to 1000 and working out missing numbers in sequences. We learnt about ‘before’ and ‘after’ and were able to find the numbers before and after a particular number. Some children have also been counting in 10s, 100s and 1000s beyond 1000.

With Miss Allan, we were learning about probability. We had to decide whether things were certain, likely, unlikely or impossible. For example, we decided that pigs might fly with their own wings is impossible!

In PE, we were learning to throw the ball in different ways. We learnt a shoulder pass, chest pass and a bounce pass.

We learnt about instruments that measure the weather. For example, a wind sock, a rainfall gauge and a weather vane. We have made a design for an instrument to measure a type of weather and will hopefully get to make some of them next week.

In Music, we learnt how pluck open strings on the ukulele. The strings are G, C, E and A.

In French, we have started learning how to say the date so we have been revising numbers to 20 and the days of the week.

With Miss Allan, we used Scratch Junior to practise some coding.

In Literacy, we have been learning about sentences and where to put full stops and capital letters.

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