This week we have started our new Science topic – Materials and their Properties. We found out about different materials and thought about their properties. We then thought about what we use these materials for and why.
In Art, we used Lego pieces to print robots. We had a chance to design our robot and then had the challenge of creating them with only Lego pieces. They look great!
In Literacy, we were practising using connectives to join two sentences. The connectives we were using were and, but, because and so.
In Numeracy, we have been consolidating our addition work with some problem solving and some have been adding 3-digit numbers.
In Outdoor Learning with the P1/2 and P2/3 classes we did some estimating and measuring. We found natural materials and ordered them from longest to shortest and we had to find something that we thought would be the length of a 30cm ruler and then measure to see how close we were.
In PE, we continued to work on our fitness by doing our circuits. Some of the stations are step-ups, skipping, running and star jumps. We do a warm-up and cool-down routine too.
In French, we revised the colours and learnt how to tell someone what our favourite colour was – Ma couleur preferee est jaune.