Friday 17th January 2025

This week we have started our new Science topic – Materials and their Properties. We found out about different materials and thought about their properties. We then thought about what we use these materials for and why.

In Art, we used Lego pieces to print robots. We had a chance to design our robot and then had the challenge of creating them with only Lego pieces. They look great!

In Literacy, we were practising using connectives to join two sentences. The connectives we were using were and, but, because and so.

In Numeracy, we have been consolidating our addition work with some problem solving and some have been adding 3-digit numbers.

In Outdoor Learning with the P1/2 and P2/3 classes we did some estimating and measuring. We found natural materials and ordered them from longest to shortest and we had to find something that we thought would be the length of a 30cm ruler and then measure to see how close we were.

In PE, we continued to work on our fitness by doing our circuits. Some of the stations are step-ups, skipping, running and star jumps. We do a warm-up and cool-down routine too.

In French, we revised the colours and learnt how to tell someone what our favourite colour was – Ma couleur preferee est jaune.

Friday 10th January 2025

Happy New Year and welcome back to school. Today we have enjoyed celebrating Be Bright, Be Seen Day. Children have designed a high visibility vest to show the importance of wearing something bright and reflective in the dark to motorists can see them. They are being entered into a competition so good luck to everyone!

Today we have also been learning about what happens to our body when we exercise and how we can improve our fitness by exercising. We did a circuit of different exercises to help strengthen our muscles and improve our fitness.

We have learnt about a traditional New Year in Scotland and some of the traditions around the world. We shared what we had done and what we include in a New Year party. We wrote an information text all about New Year.

In Health and Wellbeing, we discussed the 3 steps we can take when trying to resolve a fall out with friends. They are: 1. Take time to calm down; 2. Talk to our friend about our feelings and listen to them share their feelings; 3. Try to find a solution to the problem. This might involve compromising or saying sorry.

In Numeracy, some children have moved on to additions using 3-digit numbers, some children were adding several small numbers and some were practising their split strategy.

We have been doing our Skills Academy this week which has involved children doing either Kapla, Puppet Making, Games, Painting or Problem Solving. They have been working on lots of different skills and have always come back to class enthusing about what they have been learning.

Friday 20th December 2024

This week we have enjoyed lots of fun Christmas activities. We watched The Grinch, sang our Top Ten Christmas songs and performed to our families in the church. We particularly enjoyed sharing our song Ho Ho Ho to everyone. We have also made a lovely Christmas card to take home.

We learnt about vertebrates and invertebrates and what makes them different. We worked with a partner to create a PowerPoint presentation explaining the difference and showing examples of each. We worked in pairs, using our cooperation and communication skills.

We have continued to practise using split strategy to add two digit numbers. Today we added some of Miss Amy’s Christmas shopping costs for her!

In Health and Wellbeing, we thought about the qualities we look for in our friends. We took a vote of the 3 most important qualities and the 3 most important in the class were kindness, loyalty and honesty.

This afternoon we are going to do the Pupil Council’s Christmas Quiz to win house points for our houses.

Friday 6th December 2024

This week, P3 have been working really hard on rehearsing their assembly which we are doing on Monday. They have learnt their lines really well and can remember when they need to say them! They are also doing an amazing job of singing and playing instruments in our song ‘Ho Ho Ho’. We are looking forward to sharing all our hard work on Monday.

In Numeracy, we are continuing to practice different addition strategies. In French, we learnt how to say ‘It is hot’ and ‘It is cold’. In PE, we created our own Scottish dances using 4 counts of 8. The children were very creative and worked well together. They were also able to give feedback to other pairs and receive feedback on their own dances.

In Literacy, we wrote diary entries from the point of view of Roz, the robot in our class book. She fell into a tree and caused a goose nest to fall to the ground. There was only one goose egg that survived and Roz shared her feelings about the incident in her diary. We also practised using adjectives by adding them to sentences.

Today, as part of Festive Friday, we wrote a Christmas joke and decorated it to go in our school gift bags for the community. We enjoyed finding lots of jokes that we could choose from!


Friday 29th November 2024

This week, P3 made bobble hats to go up in the hall as our festive display. We looked at Fair Isle patterns and used the idea of repeated patterns and horizontal stripes to create them.

We created a food chain poster this week using a habitat and animals of our choice. We played the fun food chain game on BBC Bitesize to explore some more food chains.

In Numeracy, we have been practising some different addition strategies. Some have been using a split strategy and some have been counting on to the nearest 10s number and then working out what’s left to still add on.

In Maths with Miss Allan, we learnt about Roman numerals.

In PE, we learnt the Canadian Barn Dance and practised the Military Two Step again.

Friday 22nd November 2024

This week we have been learning about food chains. We learnt about producers and consumers. Producers can make their own energy from the sun but consumers have to eat plants or animals to get their energy. We sorted some food chains from different habitats. We also played a food chain game on BBC Bitesize which you could play at home!

In Numeracy, we have started practising some adding strategies using 1- and 2-digit numbers. In Literacy, we learnt about alliteration from the Book Bag Scotland book ‘There’s Nothing Faster Than A Cheetah.’ We then used alliteration to help practise using adjectives. We thought of an adjective and noun for each letter of the alphabet eg. amazing ant, beautiful banana!

In PE, we practised our hockey skills and today we learn the Military Two Step. In Art, we learnt about how to show that things are near of far by changing the size. We are making a winter scene with trees that are near and far.

In Music, we learnt to play the glockenspiels and percussion instruments for our Christmas song, Ho Ho Ho! They sounded great.

Friday 8th November 2024

This week we have written a poem about bonfire night. We learnt about onomatopoeia and thought of some that we could associate with bonfires and fireworks. We used them in our poems to describe what bonfire night sounds like. We have written them up neatly and decorated them to go on display in the classroom.

In Numeracy, we have been rounding 2- and 3-digit numbers to the nearest 10. Some children have been finding the number half way between to other numbers.

In PE, we have started learning about how to hold a hockey stick and how to pass the ball and move with it.

In Health and Wellbeing, we discussed the fact that everyone feels ups and downs and that it is ok to sometimes feel a bit down. We watched a Pixar short animation called Boundin’ which showed us how a sheep who loved to dance lost his confidence and felt very down when he had his coat shorn off. A passing jackalope made him realise that he shouldn’t worry about what others think and that he should keep dancing. When the sheep started bouncing or ‘boundin’ with the jackalope he started to feel better again. In life, we will all experience ups and downs but it’s important to realise we can bounce back from our disappointments.

In Art, we can drawn and painted very colourful toucans. They look gorgeous! We were learning about how toucans can survive in the rainforest.

We have also been planning an individual presentation that we are going to give to the class. We have chosen an animal that we feel we can share facts about. We are sharing facts about how they have adapted to live in their habitat. We have also created 2 slides on a PowerPoint presentation to show as we are talking.

Friday 1st November 2024

This week in P3 we had our super trip to the Deer Centre. We saw lots of amazing animals and even feed some fallow deer. We were very lucky to see a Eurasian eagle owl up very close and learnt about its different features. We played some games about animal adaptations including one where we had to smell arm bands that we had put on and find our ‘wolf pack’ that had the same smell! When we got home we made posters about some of the animals and the facts we had learnt.

In Numeracy, we have been estimating numbers on a number line and finding the number between two others. Some children have been adding and subtracting 100 and multiples of 100.

In Literacy, we practised finding where the full stops needed to go in sentences and we have been writing lots of facts about animals on our posters.

For our outdoor learning this week, we made spooky skeletons from sticks.

In PE, we have been practising our ball control skills with a football. We have been passing and moving with the ball and even kicking the ball into a goal.

With Miss Allan we used the Sketch a School app to draw and colour pumpkins. We also learnt about tally marks that were first used by cave men to count.

Friday 25th October 2024

Welcome back, everyone! This week we have been learning all about animal adaptations. We found out how certain animals are able to survive in polar climate zones and arid climate zones like the desert. We found out about different climate zones and where some of them are in the world. We live in a temperate climate zone so we have seasons and it isn’t ever too hot or too cold! Next week we are going to find out about animals that live in tropical climate zones and we are also going to have a workshop on animal adaptations at the Deer Centre.

We wrote about our holidays and learnt about proper nouns and common nouns. We had to divide a list of words into proper and common nouns. Proper nouns must always have a capital letter.

In Numeracy, some children have been adding multiples of 10, some children have been ordering 3-digit numbers and some children have been writing numbers in words. We have also been doing a few number puzzles too.

We checked our rain gauges too. We measured that 250ml rain fell over the October holidays!

In French, we learnt how to say it is sunny and it is raining!

We have enjoyed Skills Academy this week, all having the chance to learn a new skill and practise them further.

Friday 4th October 2024

Happy Holidays, everyone! This week P3 have been making posters about what makes a good learner. We used our knowledge from learning over the last 7 weeks to complete it. We worked in pairs to discuss our ideas and to make the poster. We had to make sure we showed that we were listening to our partner and that we were able to share our own ideas.

We wrote stories based on an image which included planets, a spaceship and a haunted house! This gave us lots to choose from for our story setting. We have been looking for the descriptive language and connectives in our writing and underling them. When we read through our work again we can also spot any mistakes or missing full stops and capital letters.

In Numeracy, some children have been learning about using greater than or less than symbols. Other children have developed their understanding when counting in 10s, 100s and multiples of these.

In PE, we practised throwing a rugby ball backwards while moving forwards. It was tricky but fun!

In Science, we learnt about what rain is and where it comes from. We found out about the wettest and driest places on earth. We have made rain gauges and put them in the courtyard to record the amount of rain over the holidays.