P3 Friday 8th September 2023

In Maths, we collected data for yes/no questions. We used a tally chart to record our data. We chose a question in our groups and then counted hands and recorded it in our charts. Next week we are going to put our results in a pictogram.

As part of our Science topic, we learnt about where food comes from. All food comes from living things. We found out how milk, bread and cheese are made and made a poster to show the different stages.

In French, we learnt the months of the year and went over numbers to 31. Then we were able to say when our birthday was – Mon anniversaire est le…

We have made rainfall gauges this week and we are going to record rainfall next week. We used a plastic bottle and used the bottle neck as a funnel. We put stones in the bottom so they won’t fall over. We are going to measure the rainfall in cms so marked cms up the side.

This week was our first week of spelling activities and had a spelling test today. We made our words with plasticine, did word searches and tested each other.

In Health and Wellbeing, we learnt about the Learning Pit. When we find our learning difficult we can end up in the Learning Pit where it can feel pretty rubbish and we feel like we’ve failed, but we were thinking different strategies for getting out of the Learning Pit and finding success. We drew our own Learning Pits and put speech bubbles for how we would be feeling at each stage.

In Literacy, we continued our learning on capital letters and full stops and this week, we wrote stories about a haunted house, a spaceship or a tree! They are all very exciting!

In PE, we were practising our shooting skills and how to move and bounce the ball at the same time.

In Drama, we acted out a scene from our book when the boy and the bear were playing i-spy! It was very funny!

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