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Week beginning 23rd October 2023

Hello everyone! We hope you have had lots of fun in the holidays and are excited to be back at nursery! Here is a look at what we have been up to this week…..


Some children have been speaking about Halloween and making requests about songs they would like to sing and dance to. Children requested to have the Halloween dressing up and books which nearly every child engaged in.

Children have been having a go at making pom poms today! They all persevered and showed good resilience. The children chose their own colours and threaded the card and only had help to tie a knot at the end.

Children have been engaged in a lot of craft activities such as cutting and sticking to make their own paper shapes and making clay models.

A group of children were inspired by the haunted house decoration and wanted to make their own in the block area! The children worked together to create the house being careful what shapes they needed and drew their own ghosts and zombies!

Some children wanted to make their own skeletons and were able to get help to draw around their bodies to make a life size one! This encouraged discussion about the bones in our bodies.

Outside, some children created their own shelter where they invited others to join a tea party! This tea party included table service, cupcakes and lavender tea. There was also 2 DJ’s! The children showed great team work and communication skills as they shared their ideas with one another.

We had another great forest session where we did lots of exploring. Children went on a bear hunt, made their own tree from strings and berries and also toasted their own marshmallows on the fire where they decided how toasty they wanted them to be!

Flynn has been developing his number skills as he writes numbers on a grid in the garden with an adult.

Timothy has been very independent this week helping his peers and he adults out without being asked. When Timothy notices and area needs some tidying he will do what he can to make the area look lovely again.

Sophie and Cora were interested in what noise their cereal was making this morning…..”Can you hear it Cora? Snap, crackle and pop!”


  • Please remember to send a spare change of clothing with your child to nursery as well as a jacket as it is now getting colder and our children love playing in all weathers!
  • 30th October is the Halloween disco night from 6pm-7pm
  • If anyone has any junk they are wishing to get rid of we will take! Any old boxes/cardboard boxes or baskets, kitchenware, table cloths, piping/guttering or any other household items please let the staff know! Thank you



Have a great weekend! See you next week!


The Newport Nursery Team

Last week of Term!

Well here we are at the October holidays!

We’ve had another busy week.

Some of the children have been exploring the various games on the Ipads, particularly the drawing games with them accessing the different mark making functions. This encouraged us to practice the art of negotiations and turn taking. 🙂

“Molly’s Circus”

As part of the children’s learning wall activities we were delighted to read a particularly special story book brought in by one of the children. Sophie brought in a book called “Molly’s Circus” which was written and illustrated by her Aunt Esther. The children thoroughly enjoyed engaging with it and talking about the beautiful illustrations. Thank you for sharing this with your nursery friends.

Woodwork creations

The children have been exploring the workbench area more this past week, with lots of independent learning and emerging resilience.We’ve had some excellent examples of items crafted from their imaginations, from statues, pillars, wands and even an Xbox controller!


The children have learned about what it means to recycle. Some of us knew about recycling and could explain to their peers during discussions. We talked about the different kinds of recycling items and practiced with some new recycling games. The children followed the rules of the games well and some chose to continue independently.
We will be continuing with this after the holidays as the children wish to find out more.


Cycling to School

This week, like the rest of the school, some of us have been cycling and scooting to school. We used our excellent listening skills to listen to the JRSO (Junior Road Safety Officers) who handed out some prizes and talked to us about using reflective stickers to keep safe.

Well Done Everyone 🙂

Learning Wall:

We’ve had lots of interaction and quality learning through our learning wall about stories. All the children have added to our wall and been an active part of the discussions about our favourite stories, characters and books. Some of us have made our own story books and some have collaborated with friends to create books. What a great range of interesting stories!

At the forest

This week we were creating our own games/stories, swinging on the tree swing, drawing pictures with charcoal, weaving with branches and string, collecting pine cones and sticks for the fire, eating quesadillas and singing songs. What a busy day, we almost didn’t notice the rain!

Harvest Together Time

Today we joined the rest of the school in the hall for the Harvest Together Time. We all practiced active listening and the nursery ladies said we sat very well. We listened to all the classes telling stories and singing songs and joined in where we could.


* As of today (6th October) we are on holiday for two weeks, we will see you  all on Monday 23rd October.

* Just a reminder that if your little one has been sick or has had diarrhoea, then it is 48 hrs  after the LAST bout before they can return to nursery. Thanks for your cooperation.

* Tuesday 24th October is photograph day

Shout out:

* We are looking for any of the following items for the nursery:

* old cups       *old cutlery       * old tables   * cable drums

* picture frames (with & without glass)        * trellis

* conkers        * pine cones

or anything else you think we might be able to use as loose parts.

If you are about to get rid of anything above please can you speak to  member of the team, we’d really appreciate it. Thanks in advance

Happy Holidays 🤗

The Nursery Team



Newport Nursery week 25/09/2023

This week learning is… Exploring, Being Curious, Literacy, Mathematics, Sharing, Self-Esteem, Creativity, Motor Skills, Turn Taking, Technology, Outdoor Learning and Problem Solving.

This week in Nursery has been very different so this will be a short newsletter covering the Monday and Friday.

On Monday some children were busy designing and creating a tower using a range of blocks and loose parts. They showed skills to negotiate and problem solve a very wobbly tower. Whilst outside a group of  children engaged playing team games such has What’s the time Mr Wolf. They used a range of numbers and used the correct language to describe time using past and o’clock.

Inside a group of children engaged with the adults to discuss the features of books. They showed a good recognition of the author, illustrator, the blurb even mentioning the spine of the book. They discussed the start of where to read that supported their own voices.



We enjoyed the company of Mrs Laing this morning and the children explored being very crafty with skills that promoted hand and eye co-ordination. This interest arose from a child that spent time being very crafty over the days away from the nursery. The skills shown were sewing, threading, stuffing, using scents etc to create cushions. Lots of discussions, sharing ideas and to help each other to problem solve.

Lots of interest shown in the new areas with children engaging with  a range of figures and puppets too.



Our Cosy Time Library 📚

This will be available to families at drop off and pick up time every day for you and your child to choose a book to take home to read 🏡There is no time limit on our library books we would just ask that you sign the book with your child’s name, the title of the book they have taken, the date it was taken and when it was returned

✍️There will be pens and hand sanitiser available for you to sign the books in and out. If your child has any special requests for a certain book please ask a member of staff or send a message on seesaw and we can help you 😃There will be a folder with your child’s name for them to put the book in for its journey to home and back 📁A tray will be available for you to put in your returned books so we can quarantine and clean them before putting them on display again, if you have any questions, any member of staff would be happy to help ☺️


Just a reminder that the school holiday is from the Monday 9th October for 2 weeks.

  • Can all parents label items of  your child’s clothing.
  • Can all parents put in at least one full change of clothing for water play and accidents.
  • Can all parents if your child has a packed lunch can we please ensure grapes and big fruits are cut to minimise the risk of choking.🍇
  • Can we remind all parents\carers to park in a white space only as the yellow spaces are for staff only.
  • Can all parents ensure your child has a set of waterproofs and wellies to play outside when it’s wet.
  • If your child is going to be picked up by someone else, please let the ladies know or the office so we are aware.
  • Can we ensure that your child is dressed appropriately for the weather.
  • Can we ensure when you are leaving the nursery that the gate is locked.
  • There is learning at home sheets available in the nursery to share your child’s learning and experiences that you do at home.
  • Please ensure that your child has had sun cream applied before attending nursery. Please do not send sun cream to nursery in their bags, we have our own sun cream at nursery to use.

The Nursery Team








Week beginning 18th September 2023

Hello everyone, we hope you have had a lovely week at nursery and have enjoyed your first forest session of the year! Here is a look at what we have been doing this week…


Groups of children have been showing an interest in group games this week as children have been inviting their peers to play. They have been exploring adding and subtracting as well as a memory game.

Sophie requested that we have hot chocolate for snack as it would be nice and warm. Sophie helped Miss McKenzie to prepare and make the hot chocolate as she discussed experiences at home with her mum making hot chocolate.

Children have been expressing their feelings in a really positive way this week. At snack, children spoke to one another and said “this is really delicious, I really like this snack” “wow these are the best hot dogs ever” “I really liked the forest didn’t you? It was so fun!”. Children have been keen to share their likes and dislikes with one another in a range of situations.

It was our very first session at the forest this week and everyone had a really positive experience. Children explored all areas of the forest and were able to take risks and communicate well. We had hot dogs for snack which went down a treat as children expressed their love for the hot dogs and forest experience as a whole.

Children have been showing an interest in writing where they are using a range of media to mark make. Some children chose to write in diaries or create their own pictures based on real life experiences.

Eli and Chloe were inspired by Oran and created their own music using tin foil! They blew into the foil which created a funny sound!

Hubert and Timothy have been working together as they created a picture in art using the paints and painting easel.

Oran and Elyn had taken their yoga moves they had learnt and used these in their play outside this week.

Some children chose to look at their PLJ’s and helped to add in photos of themselves into the right sections!

This week we explored the story of the gingerbread man and used the playdough area to extend our learning from the story. We used cinnamon to mix into our playdough mixture and used the story to read along as we rolled out the dough and cut out our own gingerbread men shapes.

Children worked together in the block area as they used their communication skills to build a castle! They recognised each others abilities and praised each other for the good ideas that they had.

Fraser has been exploring facial expressions and how to capture these using the iPad. Fraser was able to learnt how to use different controls as he flipped the camera and pressed the capture button.

A group of children have been exploring rhyming through a matching game as they have to listen and look at the words to see what rhyming box it goes into.

Thank you to everyone so far who has handed in a learning wall sheet to put on our learning wall! You all have fantastic ideas and have done amazing with your mark making 😄

We had another yoga session to end our week as we spoke about our feelings and emotions. Children shared their own moves and were even able to roll away their mats and were inspired to help others too! New children joined in for the session and some just chose to watch to see what the session was all about 😄



  • Forest is on a Wednesday, please can you park and drop off our child at waterstone crook car park and not in Forgans art centre. We will wait at waterstone crook until 9:15 and then head up to the forest location.
  • The yellow spaces in the car park are for staff only, please only park in the white spaces.
  • Please make sure your child has wellies and waterproofs for playing at nursery as you never know when the weather might change and the children love water play!
  • Please help yourself to another learning wall sheet if you would like one!


Have a great weekend everyone, see you next week!


The Newport Nursery Team x


15th September 2023

Well it’s Friday again!

Here’s what we’ve been up to this week in nursery …. Lots of exploring, counting, discovering, experimenting, predicting, practicing, imagining, creating and sharing.

This week began with sharing what we know about money/coins. Following on from our outdoor shop last week, where we were role playing buying and selling, we have been playing maths games on the smart board where we have been sorting coins and discussing the value of each. We surprised the nursery ladies with what we already know& 🙂
We’ve been making the most of the warm weather, with lots of outdoor play.
The past couple of weeks we have had lots of interest in maps and pirates, this week we have made our own maps and been using them to go on exciting adventures!

Also outdoors, we’ve talked about shapes. In particular, looking for natural shapes within our immediate environment. Mrs Wilson set up an activity using natural loose parts to encourage shape making. Lots of us enjoyed creating and discovering 2D shapes.
For snack this week Mrs Cameron brought in her blender and we made fruit smoothies. We really liked these, some of us enjoyed the process more than the smoothies 😂

We discussed what kind of smoothies we wanted to make and we settled on two: Mixed Berry and Banana & Orange.
We washed, prepared and sliced all the fruit carefully, listening to the instructions. We then used our predicting skills to see what colour the smoothies would be.
Lots of discussion about fruit and vegetables we enjoy (and the ones we don’t!).

“I don’t like smoothies but I like the colour!” -Isla

”It tastes like summer”-Timothy

”I like the berry one best”- Oran

”It’s yummy!”- Elyn

Nursery Charter:

Since we have practicing our social goals for a few weeks now, this week we have been talking about what makes us happy at nursery and what we can do to help our nursery friends be happy.
We have decided on goals we are going to use to help us be happy and safe. Feel free to chat about these at home.

Learning Wall: “Stories”

We have started our first learning wall of the year in nursery.

We have been talking about our favourite stories, as well as discussing what we know about characters and what a plot is.

We have sent home our learning wall forms and ask that if you and your child do anything to do with stories, that you complete the form together. Read more

Newport Nursery Newsletter week 4.9.23

This week learning is… Exploring, Being Curious, Literacy, Mathematics, Sharing, Self-Esteem, Creativity, Motor Skills, Turn Taking, Technology, Outdoor Learning and Problem Solving.

This week in Nursery we have had Miss McKenzie, Mrs Wilson, Mrs Cameron and we have welcome Mrs Foulis to our team who will be working from 11.30-3.30  every day.

Some children this week have been very creative in the  making of hand fans. They used their imitative to ask for support from the adult to complete these when they faced some difficulty. They used a range of materials to decorate these, and showed kindness by asking others if they would like one.  They also discuss the role that these help us by saying….

“They help you keep cool, you do this”

” You move it and it makes it cold”.


The boys and girls have created their own shop and café using the house outside. They have been showing an interest in shops and restaurants recently and they put their ideas together to come up with all that they would need to get their ideas up and running. We have a shop keeper and a café maker, children have helped to write menus and have come up with prices for things as well as choosing items they want to sell in the shop or use to make in the café. Oran, Archie and Charlotte helped to write a menu. Children experienced using coins and notes to hand over for goods and discussed coin amounts. The children worked with the adult to create a mind map that  captures their voice on how and what they would like to see in the shop.

Following on from his interest in shops, one child has been discussing different currencies. They spoke about dollars and pence, and could confidently identify the amount on each note and coin with no support! “That’s 50 pence, 10 pence, that’s 5 dollars and 20 dollars”.

The puppet and story interest is still going strong with lots of children eager to create a short show for the other children to see. The interest is extending to some children creating their stick puppets. One child created images of Snow White, the Prince and a wolf. In the afternoon the adult enjoyed a short play involving superhero’s such as Spiderman….

“Spiderman is going to save the world” one child quoted.



The interest continues through into the art area where children have been using a range of material and tools to create their own puppets and masks.

Some children have been involved in creating their own story books using their thoughts to express short texts linked to the drawings created. One child created a short story called…..

“Peppa Pig goes to a party” they then used skills to write the book title by copying the words written by the adult.


Over the past weeks the children have been very interested in Time, starting from when they first started at nursery to find out when their Mummy was coming. We have extended this interest to look at what tools helps us to tell the time, events in their daily life, routines of the day, the day date etc.  The adults have set up interest areas for the children to explore and some children are enjoying changing the day date board, using letter sounds to find the right tiles.


A group of children have been very busy work with numbers this morning. They completed ordering numbers 0-10 and asked to do more… they were then able to, with a little support, match the number to the quantity .Then they independently identified the missing number when an adult took one away each time.


At Snack the children decided that they wanted to do some baking. After helping to unpack the fruit and vegetable order they settled on making pancakes, Lemon and Blueberry. A group discussed a range of topics from healthy foods to what they had for breakfast. They were able to say what tools and ingredients were needed along with recognising why we needed the scales  ….

“they help you measure the food”

“and you follow the recipe”

They took turns to mix up the ingredients, and gave a thumbs up to the finished pancakes.


Our Cosy Time Library 📚

This will be available to families at drop off and pick up time every day for you and your child to choose a book to take home to read 🏡There is no time limit on our library books we would just ask that you sign the book with your child’s name, the title of the book they have taken, the date it was taken and when it was returned

✍️There will be pens and hand sanitiser available for you to sign the books in and out. If your child has any special requests for a certain book please ask a member of staff or send a message on seesaw and we can help you 😃There will be a folder with your child’s name for them to put the book in for its journey to home and back 📁A tray will be available for you to put in your returned books so we can quarantine and clean them before putting them on display again, if you have any questions, any member of staff would be happy to help ☺️


There is a parent time slot sheet for booking your parent chats with your child’s keyworker. Just ask a member of staff for the form.

  • Can all parents label items of  your child’s clothing.
  • Can all parents put in at least one full change of clothing for water play and accidents.
  • Can all parents if your child has a packed lunch can we please ensure grapes and big fruits are cut to minimise the risk of choking.🍇
  • Can we remind all parents\carers to park in a white space only as the yellow spaces are for staff only.
  • Can all parents ensure your child has a set of waterproofs and wellies to play outside when it’s wet.
  • If your child is going to be picked up by someone else, please let the ladies know or the office so we are aware.
  • Can we ensure that your child is dressed appropriately for the weather.
  • Can we ensure when you are leaving the nursery that the gate is locked.
  • There is learning at home sheets available in the nursery to share your child’s learning and experiences that you do at home.
  • Please ensure that your child has had sun cream applied before attending nursery. Please do not send sun cream to nursery in their bags, we have our own sun cream at nursery to use.

The Nursery Team





Week beginning 21/08/23

Hello everyone, we hope you have enjoyed your first full week with us at Newport Nursery. Here is a look at what we have been up to in nursery this week….


We have been making choices at snack time where we have been helping one another with ideas about what could be for snack that day. Some of the choices this week were bagels with ham and cream cheese, tomatoes and apples, crackers with butter and strawberries and raspberries.


Almost all of the children have been engaged in mark making in the writing area, art area and outside. They have created pictures using a wide variety of materials to showcase their ideas and learning.


Groups of children have been creating models with Lego. This has encouraged them to communicate their ideas with others which has helped to spark friendships.



We had a discussion about what would happen in a fire drill and even had a practise of our own where we walked around the school grounds to get familiar with the area and the children did great discussing how to keep each other safe and what would happen if we heard the fire bell.
Cameron- “the firemen come”

Archie- “you need to go outside, be safe”

Timothy- “we go to the special place to stand”


Timothy started off an interest in watering the plants where he watered the plants in the room and discussed how they grow from seeds and need the water to grow. This encouraged his peers to water the plants outside where they shared responsibilities and discussed how much more water each plant needed.


Everyone is getting into the new lunch routines where they are able to collect their lunches using their bands, take their trays to the table and then put everything in the right place when clearing up at the end. Individuals have been making an effort to give foods a try before deciding if they like them or not.



Children have been sharing personal experiences with staff such as discussing their families and things that they have at home that they enjoy such as stories and favourite teddies.


It was Elyns first day with us on Monday where she was keen to get helping as soon as she came in. Elyn helped to unpack and put away our first Tesco delivery and stayed to help until the very last item was put away and did this all on her own accord!


Archie and Christian have been very keen to give themselves “homework” in nursery where Christian has been doing his writing and Archie has been doing his equals (sums). Archie has been identifying random numbers up to 100 and writing these all down independently!
(Disclaimer….We don’t hand out homework in nursery don’t worry! 🫣)


Chloe and Cora have been keen to role play where they chose different outfits to dress up in to portray different character in the house corner or when using the rocking horse as part of their play.

We have created an autumn display for the children to explore and start an interest in talking about the changing seasons. Alex brought in something from home to add to the display and to share with his friends!


All children have been doing a great job at performing personal hygiene routines such as washing hands when needed before snack/lunch or after playing outside as well as brushing their teeth and remembering which toothbrush is theirs by looking at the symbols and colours.


We went on a walk around the school and decided to collect some apples for baking! The children gave good suggestions such as apple sauce, apple pie and apple crumble!

Children have been eager to help set up at snack time and Alex took it upon himself to set the table ow he thought it should look whilst Elyn poured milk into a jug ready for drinking.

Children have been really interested in audiobooks and have been beginning to follow along with the pictures in the books.

Groups of children have been creating pictures using the apples we collected where they cut the apples in half and then used paint to press them on the paper.

Children have been using their skills to record their voices using the talking tins. They were able to press the record button and listen back to what they had said. They talked about what would be important to say into the talking tin at snack and Isla said “we could say what is for snack” where Eli then said “we can tell people to wash their hands”.


Thank you for a great week and we hope you have a great weekend! See you on Monday!

The Newport Nursery Team



  • Can you please make sure that you sign your child out at the end of the day at pick up time by letting one of the staff members know so we are aware of who is here and who is not to keep your children safe.
  • Forest will be starting some time in the next month, we will make you aware of when this is when we know.
  • Can we please ask that when dropping off or picking up your child to park in the white car parking spaces only as staff members start at different times and can often not get their spaces.
  • Outdoor clothing and wellies are essential at nursery as we are always outside enjoying all weathers!
  • Can we ask that you please apply suncream before arriving at nursery



Newport Nursery Newsletter wk 16.8.23.

Hello everyone. Welcome to our first newsletter for this new term.

In Nursery this week we have Miss McKenzie, Mrs Wilson and we are delighted to welcome Mrs Cameron to our team too.

First of all a big welcome to  all our new children and their families but also hello again to all our returning children and families. We hope that you are all enjoying your time nursery this week and if you have any concerns , questions or would like to share any learning interests your child has etc please don’t hesitate to speak to a member of staff.

This week the children have settled really well into the nursery environment, exploring and investigating all areas and resources.  We have seen lots of imaginative play, especially the role of pirates .with children showing skills to share ideas and resources well .This interest has continued with some children developing their skills to research their favourite pirate Captain Red beard. This then extended to find out who was the nastiest pirate, Captain Blackbeard. Some children were seen creating their own kites showing skills to problem solve and share ideas. This lead to further research with the adult to look at the different shapes and colours along with how they fly and how  to make a better kite fly.

Outside we have observed lots of  children developing their role play skills  that incorporate a range of situations and resources.  Some children have enjoyed sharing their ideas well with others or by themselves to create a range of models using the range of loose parts to confidently discuss what they have made.

”It’s Daddy’s car and that the horn, and it’s got an exhaust too”

At the snack area lots of discussion have occurred with the children sharing their knowledge  and their likes/dislikes of the different fruit and vegetables. They then worked with the adult to create a mind map to display their understanding.

Some children are taking ownership of their learning spending time at the writing table  to write letters and numbers some have been writing their own sums.. We have also seen lots of creative pictures using a range of materials to create.

Outside some children recalled previous learning interest in growing to see how their potatoes were doing. They all helped to dig some out to see if they were ready to eat. They  showed skills to count and recalled how and what the plant needs. This links well to what the children were involved in ,the snack area in which lots of discussions around fruit and vegetables. They shared their knowledge along with their likes and dislikes to create a mind map of what they would like for snack.

The children are enjoying selecting and listening to a range of stories, sharing their thoughts and showing skills to predict the outcome. One child has requested to create a puppet theatre and puppets to create her own play of Little Red Riding Hood.


W hope that you all have a great weekend and we will see you all on Monday.


From all the Nursery team.



Our Cosy Time Library 📚

This will be available to families at drop off and pick up time every day for you and your child to choose a book to take home to read 🏡There is no time limit on our library books we would just ask that you sign the book with your child’s name, the title of the book they have taken, the date it was taken and when it was returned ✍️There will be pens and hand sanitiser available for you to sign the books in and out. If your child has any special requests for a certain book please ask a member of staff or send a message on seesaw and we can help you 😃There will be a folder with your child’s name for them to put the book in for its journey to home and back 📁A tray will be available for you to put in your returned books so we can quarantine and clean them before putting them on display again, if you have any questions, any member of staff would be happy to help ☺️


  • Can all parents label items of  your child’s clothing.
  • Can all parents put in at least one full change of clothing for water play and accidents.
  • Can all parents if your child has a packed lunch can we please ensure grapes and big fruits are cut to minimise the risk of choking.🍇
  • Can we remind all parents\carers to park in a white space only as the yellow spaces are for staff only.
  • Can all parents ensure your child has a set of waterproofs and wellies to play outside when it’s wet.
  • Our nursery blog is sent out every week on a Friday afternoon.
  • If your child is going to be picked up by someone else, please let the ladies know or the office so we are aware.
  • Can we ensure that your child is dressed appropriately for the weather.
  • Can we ensure when you are leaving the nursery that the gate is locked.
  • There is learning at home sheets available in the nursery to share your child’s learning and experiences you do at home.
  • Please ensure that your child has had sun cream applied before attending nursery. Please do not send suncream to nursery in their bags, we have our own sun cream at nursery to use.

The Nursery Team

Week beginning 26/06/23

Hello everyone, we hope you have had a great last week of term and are looking forward to the summer holidays! Here is a look at what we have been up to on our final week…..

We had our nursery graduation where children graduated into primary one or their second year of nursery. Children wore hats and gowns and were able to collect a certificate from Miss Allan and Miss Donaldson. They sang some songs for parents and families and even enjoyed some lovely strawberries after! We also shared a video of pictures of all the children throughout the year which you can watch on the seesaw app!




Children took part in their last play on pedals session where they all concentrated very well and tried their very best! They also received their certificates this week to celebrate finishing the course!

Its Lucy’s birthday tomorrow so we celebrated with chocolate cake that she brought in to share, happy birthday when it comes Lucy!



Thank you so much to everyone for the support over the past year, we can’t wait to see you blossom in primary one! Please come back on your first day to show us you in your uniform! To our returners, have a great summer and see you all again soon! ❤️
Good luck to Miss Nelson who is leaving to have her little baby! We will miss you and can’t wait to see your little one! 🌟

Have the best summer! ☀️ 🌴

The nursery team x


Week Beginning 19th June 2023

This week learning is… Exploring, Being Curious, Literacy, Mathematics, Sharing, Self-Esteem, Creativity, Motor Skills, Turn Taking, Technology, Outdoor Learning and Problem Solving.


Monday 19th June

Today Hamish, Blair and Murdo were being responsible citizens helping unblock the drain in the garden by using different tools. The boys discussed depth of the puddle using measurement language.

Today Daisy and Raine have been creative in the art area creating different pictures and models using different materials. The girls celebrated each other’s work by complimenting how nice it looked.

Today Finlay explored positional language as he discussed directions the car would move with each arrow he would press. Finlay discussed different technologies he has used similar to a remote control car.


Today Calvin enjoyed exploring outdoors as he chose to play with the ball shouting catch to his peers.

Today Orla, Jesse, Calvin, Raine, Aayla-May and Daisy chose to come for snack. They discussed what healthy options were on offer and had a discussion about Sanna’s party discussing personal experiences.

Tuesday 20th June


Today Hubert, Murdo and Lucy took turns on the rope swing using their gross motor skills to get the swing moving. They waited patiently after each shot and took it in turns to have a shot.

Orla used her imagination to create a nature book. She wrote words and drew pictures of different plants and animals she would see in the forest and ticked them off as she spotted them.

Today Raine and Lucy were being very helpful as they offered to help hand out snack. The girls took it in turns to take a cup of juice and a hotdog to their peers.

Today Lily, Jesse, Orla and Hubert took part in a treasure hunt and they went for a walk around the forest to see what excit

Wednesday 21st June

Today has been a day of using our imagination outside as we have been exploring loose parts and creativity. Today Maggie, Orla and Daisy used the loose parts and the story den to create a house and used the box as a cat bed as Orla role played a cat.

Continuing our imagination outside as we have been exploring loose parts and creativity. Jovan, Christian, Archie and Flynn used used loose parts as a magic wand, sword and shield. They also used the car to go on a mission.

Today outside Lucy, Raine, Lily and Lochlan have been exploring bugs in the mud kitchen and extended their learning outside by researching a bug scavenger hunt. They marked off what bugs they had spotted in and around the mud kitchen. This encouraged more children to join in.

Thursday 22nd June

Today has been a busy day outside exploring creativity skills. Victor and Lucy used loose parts to create a transient art picture exploring feelings and emotions. “I made a happy face because I’m happy today.”

Today outside Lochlan, Ruaridh and Murdo were exploring the water. They were experimenting to see how many cups it would take to fill the tube. The boys went on to create potions to have more super powers. “My super power is speed and strength.”

Today outside Sanna, Ben, Blair, Hamish, Orla, Victor and Lochlan used their numeracy and concentration skills to play the new spider game. The aim of the game is to catch as many numbers as they can and add them up at the end. The person with the most numbers won. They worked together to count the numbers out.

Friday 23rd June

Today Christian and Jovan were seen busy exploring the different scales, weights and natural loose parts and were heard using the correct language to describe the different sizes, what was heavy,light, big or small etc. They shared thoughts and ideas to further extend this play learning interest.

Today Orla and Flynn created pictures using different materials in the writing area. Flynn created pictures of a Pokémon and Orla drew rainbows and love hearts.

Today we say Happy Birthday to Murdo as he turns 5. We celebrated by singing happy birthday and had some cake.

Our Cosy Time Library 📚 This will be available to families at drop off and pick up time every day for you and your child to choose a book to take home to read 🏡There is no time limit on our library books we would just ask that you sign the book with your child’s name, the title of the book they have taken, the date it was taken and when it was returned ✍️There will be pens and hand sanitiser available for you to sign the books in and out. If your child has any special requests for a certain book please ask a member of staff or send a message on seesaw and we can help you 😃There will be a folder with your child’s name for them to put the book in for its journey to home and back 📁A tray will be available for you to put in your returned books so we can quarantine and clean them before putting them on display again, if you have any questions, any member of staff would be happy to help ☺️


  • Can all parents label items of  your child’s clothing.
  • Can all parents put in at least one full change of clothing for water play and accidents.
  • Can all parents if your child has a packed lunch can we please ensure grapes and big fruits are cut to minimise the risk of choking.🍇
  • Can we remind all parents\carers to park in a white space only as the yellow spaces are for staff only.
  • Can all parents ensure your child has a set of waterproofs and wellies to play outside when it’s wet.
  • Our nursery blog is sent out every week on a Friday afternoon.
  • If your child is going to be picked up by someone else, please let the ladies know or the office so we are aware.
  • Can we ensure that your child is dressed appropriately for the weather.
  • Can we ensure when you are leaving the nursery that the gate is locked.
  • There is learning at home sheets available in the nursery to share your child’s learning and experiences you do at home.

The Nursery Team