Week beginning 22nd January

Hello everyone, we hope you have had a great week! There has been lots happening in Newport Nursery this week, here is a sneak peek…….


On Monday a group of children looked at the match and spell game where they had to match the letters on their board to make a word. Some children then extended their learning where they turned over the board so it was blank and had to spell the word again without any prompt!

A group of children have taken part in making a mind map for all f our ideas on what we think we need to buy for the nursery to help us learn with the Christmas enterprise money. The children came up with some great ideas like a CD player, outdoor sport equipment and things to use at snack to help us be more independent.

Children have also been creating their own story books based on different interests. The children were able to help search on the computer for pictures, print them off and then make them into a story book.

We weren’t able to attend the forest due to fallen trees however we were able to have our forest experience in the garden again where children chose to come and took part in a bird watch. Children went in pairs or alone to see what/how many bird they could spot and marked down on their bird watch sheet.


After finding a sour orange at lunch time, this prompted a discussion with the children and Miss McKenzie about sweet and sour food and how orange trees grow. This lead to children discussing how an orange tree grows from a seed but we realised we didn’t know how long it takes so we used the computer for research and found a video of a time-lapse of the orange tree growing over time which can take between 7-15 years to bear fruit! Eli and Eleanor decided to take the seeds how to one day have their own orange trees.

We had a lovely Burns lunch to celebrate Burns day! We also tasted some shortbread at snack which everyone gave the thumbs up to!

We continued our interest in birds this week as we were inspired by artists and pictures to paint our own at a painting station! Everyone showed off their skills as they used a range of colours and textures to get the look that they wanted.

Children have been completing their learning at home to go on our learning wall to share what they have been doing at home! Charlotte shared that he favourite toy is a troll called Poppy. Fraser brought in his favourite Power Ranger toys to show off and did some mark making for the wall!

We have had a lot of imaginary play this week as children have been using a variety of resources to create models such as stools, cushions, blankets and rugs.

Cammy and Timothy worked together to make a bridge for the cars in the sand. They collaborated their ideas to make it work and built a lovely bridge as well as a lovely friendship!

Eli and Elyn worked outside as they made bird feeders using lard and bird seed. They moulded it into shape and added the seeds and left it for putting up next week.


  • Our PEEP group is on next Thursday 1st February at 9am for anyone who wants to join!
  • Our forest sessions until further notice will be in the bottom garden so if you could please come to the nursery dressed for a forest session.

We hope you have a great weekend and we will see you all next week!

The Newport Nursery Team x

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