Newport Nursery wk 19.02.23.

This week in the Nursery we have had Miss McKenzie, Mrs Wilson, Miss Paul and Mrs Laing.

This week learning is… Exploring, Predicting, Being Curious, Literacy, Mathematics, Sharing, Self-Esteem, Creativity, Motor Skills, Turn Taking, Technology, Outdoor Learning and Problem Solving.

Well another week is almost over already and in the nursery the children have been so busy developing and extending their own learning.

So last week was a very short week due to the In-service day and the short break, but the children were involved in so much learning through experiencing  cultural festivals, traditions and beliefs. We focused on the Chinese New year through a range of different experiences. At snack the children tasted a range of Chinese foods that explored the different tastes and textures and to even try to use chopsticks.. A small display area with a range of items, pictures, books and clothing were displayed for the children to explore. After listening to some stories and watching a short educational video  the children researched out what  animal was for this year, which is the year of the dragon. This interest expanded into a group of children creating a dragon outside, then replicate their own dragon dance with some children recalling the bashing of drums.





This week the children have been focusing on a range of physical activities outside. Some children are displaying growing skills using a bat and ball, sharing their experiences away from the setting such as Racket Buddies. The children were observed communicating with each other to problem solve how to get the ball back after going out the garden area, using comparative language and positional language such as under, through, in, out.. Lots of other team games have evolved some children creating their own rules. A group of children have also been active in creating obstacle courses using a range of large loose parts. They are showing initiative to check if  it was safe, making their own risk assessments.


Some children have been extending their own learning through lots of different research. A group of children wanted to discover how big a Diplodocus and a Pterodactyl. This then lead to finding Dinosaur themed games on the smart board. One child researched an Octopus to which we watch a short educational video that soon inspired all the children to sit and listen to the information. This lead to lots of discussions about the sea creatures. Another possible Learning wall topic!!!!!

Dates to remember.

Tuesday 27th February. 2024  –   Forest session to be held at the back of Forgan arts. Please come dressed in their outdoor clothes and meet in Waterstone Crook car park at 9.00 am.



If anybody has any clothing aged between 3-5 years old boys or girls clothes that they are happy to donate as spare clothing for the nursery we would be very grateful as our stock of spare clothing has not been returned, thank you!



  • Can we please remind parents and carers that when dropping off in the morning and using the car park to use the white spaces only as staff members who start at 9 are unable to park due to the staff spaces being taken.

With the change of season and varied weather  ☔️❄️🥶, please remember to provide your child with welly boots, waterproof clothing, hat, gloves 🧤, scarf🧣 and at least 2 full changes of clothes in your child’s bag (remember the…🧦 🧦🩲🩲 )

💭If you need to discuss the Seesaw app, particularly with setting up all functions/privacy, please speak with a member of staff.

💭Any changes to your child’s Diet or Medication? Please speak with one of the Team who can support you.

Loose Parts

We are always in need of replenishing our loose parts in nursery. If you are out and about on walks, or are planning to recycle items, can we ask that you think of us first please 😃

Here is some of the items we are looking for:

Conkers, stones, shells, tea cups, sticks, picture frames, plates, anything you think might be of used in nursery.
We are also on the lookout for two of kitchen chairs, if anyone is getting rid of them. We are looking to develop a new area in the playroom.

Our Cosy Time Library 📚

This will be available to families at drop off and pick up time every day for you and your child to choose a book to take home to read 🏡There is no time limit on our library books we would just ask that you sign the book with your child’s name, the title of the book they have taken, the date it was taken and when it was returned

✍️There will be pens and hand sanitiser available for you to sign the books in and out. If your child has any special requests for a certain book please ask a member of staff or send a message on seesaw and we can help you 😃There will be a folder with your child’s name for them to put the book in for its journey to home and back 📁A tray will be available for you to put in your returned books so we can quarantine and clean them before putting them on display again, if you have any questions, any member of staff would be happy to help ☺️


We hope that you all have a lovely weekend, and will see you all next week.

From all the Nursery Team.


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