Masterton Primary School


Welcome to P4a!


Our class teachers are Mrs Dickson (Monday -Wednesday) and Mrs Murray (Thursday -Friday).


Our PE day is Wednesday so please wear your PE kit to school each Wednesday. Sometimes this may be outside so remember a long sleeved top for when the weather is not so warm.


Our reading and any homework will be issued each Wednesday. Please could it be handed in for the following Monday, with reading records signed.


Here are some useful links for extra learning at home


Homework week beginning 25.09.24

  • Reading
  • Spelling

We will go over homework on Monday.

In spelling each week children will learn a new spelling pattern. As a group they will create a list of words which fit their spelling pattern. They will share their spelling list and pattern at home this week.

Task – Learn your spelling words in any way you wish ready to revisit in class on Monday. Some examples of fun ways to learn your words are listed below. Once you have learned your words pick 3 words and write a sentence for each. Remember we are focusing on making sure we are using full stops and capital letters. 

Ideas –

Be a Teacher – Ask someone to write your spelling words out making one or two mistakes. Be a teacher and mark the spellings, correcting any mistakes.

Vowels and consonants – Rewrite each of your spelling words using a blue pen for the vowels and a red pen for the consonants (you can use any colours you have at home).

Pyramid Spelling – as demonstrated in class.

Rainbow Spelling – Rewrite each of your spelling words using a different colour for each letter in the word (demonstrated in class).

Graffiti Spelling – Use chalk to write your spelling words on a pavement or wall. Remember to ask permission first. Alternatively write your spelling words in bubble writing using lots of colour on the lined paper provided.



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