Kirkcaldy High School

Respect for Self, Others, and Learning

Rector’s Log 28/4/17

Dear Parent/Carer

I do hope that this regular message finds you well and that you’re looking forward to the holiday weekend.

This week we’ve had House Assemblies led by our leavers from the Class of 2017. As always, it was an emotional experience and I was particularly moved by the lovely tribute paid to Gregor Smith, who passed away in 2013 and would have been part of this leavers’ group. On behalf of all the staff, may I wish all those who are leaving school over the next month “all the best”.

On Tuesday evening, one of those leavers took centre stage at the Dean Park Hotel. Well done to Ashley Davidson (S6), who reported back to Kirkcaldy Rotary Club on her recent “Euroscola” trip to the European Parliament in Strasbourg, sponsored by the Club. It was a highly competitive process and Ashley’s presentation was very interesting and thoughtful. On the evening, I was also joined by Chloe McGlashan and Kyle Dick (both S5), our successful RYLA Leadership Camp candidates, who have won places on the Rotary’s highly regarded Outward Bound course in the Cairngorms this summer. They will report back to the Club in September. Also attending were Rachel Cummings (S2) and Connor Haining (S1), who gave an excellent talk about our “Interact” Group.

On Wednesday we had a rather special hi-tech science input when large groups of young people had the chance to undertake a “virtual reality” expedition to the Great Wall of China, Mount Everest or even the Moon! Many thanks to the Google VR educational team, who provided this brilliant opportunity.

Yesterday we were particularly busy, with our S1 Girls’ Netball Team involved in the Fife tournament. Well done to Hannah Payne, who was voted as the tournament’s “fairest” player. It was also the Junior UK Maths Challenge and we had a team competing in the Faraday Science Competition at Glenrothes High School.

Today is the last day in school for S4-6 before the SQA exams. Study leave begins after Monday’s May Day holiday. S6 finished up at lunchtime today after picking up their year book in the morning, adding their names to the traditional leavers’ mural, and shedding a tear or two at our farewell get together in the library. I know that our leavers are well prepared to take on the world.

You’ll be aware that Monday is the May Day Public Holiday and that the school is closed to pupils on Thursday for an In-Service Training day. This has been timed to coincide with the Council Elections in order to minimise disruption for families with primary age children.

The SQA exams begin next week and we have Design and Manufacture on Tuesday, Spanish on Wednesday, Latin and Music on Thursday and Maths on Friday. Please note that there are no school buses on Thursday and that National 5 Music and Higher Latin candidates affected by this will need to make their own way to school for 9am. If this is exceptionally difficult, please see Mrs Davidson for advice. All exam candidates are reminded of the “masterclass” arrangements which apply to the day before each exam. They are welcome in school to do some last minute revision.

A major forthcoming event is our Activities Day, which is scheduled for Friday 19 May. All S1-3 will be expected to take part and all the details are in the attached booklet which has been prepared by Mr Young.

Next week’s hot dish menu is; Monday: Stovies with crusty bread and turnip. Tuesday: Chicken korma with boiled rice and vegetables. Wednesday: Sweet chilli beef with noodles and vegetables. Thursday: Steak pie with potatoes and vegetables. Friday: Breaded Fish/scotch pie with chips and peas. We also have our pasta, sandwich, soup and salad options too.  Do remember that a cup of home-made soup is available free to all young people at lunchtime.

As always, I attach our weekly employability bulletin for information. If we can assist you or your son/daughter in any way, please ask.

All the best to you, and best wishes to all those undertaking SQA exams over the next 4 weeks or so.


Derek Allan


28 April 2017

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